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"Hurry up!" Michael yelled from my bedroom. I groaned from where I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror and rolled my eyes.

It turned out he had been with the girl from that party (Olivia, I think) all Monday, and she was the one who had invited him to the concert. The band who was playing was called Highly Suspect, but I had never even heard of them, let alone listened to their music. Michael didn't know who they were either, but he said, and I quote, "This girl is smashing hot, and if I have to use my fake ID to get into a concert with a band I don't even know to impress her, then so be it." Okay then.

He had showed me one of their songs, 'Lydia' if I'm not wrong, but it wasn't really my kind of music. I tried getting out of it, complaining about how much homework I had and stuff, but he didn't buy it. If he was going, then I was going too. I didn't really have a choice.

I took one last look in the mirror once I had finished my hair before I went back into my bedroom.

"Well, that took you long enough," Michael said and got up from the bed. I rolled my eyes again and opened the bottom drawer of my dresser. I pushed some t-shirts out of my way in an attempt to find my fake ID (I had to keep it hidden in case my mom ever came in here) and picked it up once it finally came into view.

One could barely even tell that it was fake (I paid a lot of money for it, so I would be rather pissed if it didn't look real to be honest), but then again that was just my opinion. When it came to other people, however, I wasn't sure, since I hadn't used it anywhere yet. I guess I'm about to find out.

"We're going to be late, Ashton!" Michael complained again.

"You're so impatient!" I scolded him, almost as if I was his mother, and stood up.

"That's because you're so slow!"

"I'm not- fine, fine, let's just leave." I sighed in defeat and rubbed the bridge of my nose. Sometimes I questioned why I was even friends with him, but then I remembered that he had been willing to deal with my shit for years, something not many other people would have. When I first started my training I was a pain in the ass, but Michael still stayed with me, so I guess I owe him.

"Finally!" he exclaimed overdramatically and headed over to the door. I shook my head slightly as I followed him and placed the ID in my back pocket along with my phone. He was such an annoying little shit, yet he was my best friend. I really needed to rethink my life decisions some time.

"Where is the concert again?" I asked Michael as we headed out the door and onto the streets.

"Sentrum Scene," he replied. Sentrum Scene was pretty small, it didn't have room for any more than 1,500 people, which meant that the band probably didn't have that many fans yet. I didn't exactly mind, though, the less people the better.

"What time is it?" Michael asked while he nearly power walked down the streets. I didn't want to, but I had to pick up my speed to keep up with him. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and checked the time quickly.

"The doors open in twenty minutes," I informed him and jogged slightly so I was walking next to him again. "Can you slow down a bit, Clifford?" I asked him, slightly annoyed.

"Can you pick up your speed a bit, Irwin?" he replied, causing me to groan and roll my eyes once again. Asshole. He didn't slow down until we got to Sentrum Scene, and by then we were both panting thanks to how out of shape we both were. I didn't have the time nor energy to train because of my job and school, and Michael, well, he was just lazy.

"There she is!" Michael said after looking around for a couple of seconds and pointed towards a short brunette girl standing in line while talking to a friend. He started walking over to her and I had no other choice than to follow. Or, I mean, I could just not follow him, but then he would get pissed, so really, I didn't have a choice.

The brunette grinned widely as she saw Michael, and just as Michael had told me, she was really hot. How did Michael even manage to start a conversation with her? He's not bad looking, not at all, but this girl is just so out of his league. Out of everyone's league, really. Her friend, a taller blonde girl, smiled shyly at Michael as well. Since when did he start getting all the ladies? Since when did he start getting ladies at all? Even Michael is getting ladies, for fucks sake! What's wrong with me?!

"Hey!" the brunette, Olivia if I remembered correctly, smiled and gave Michael a hug. "This is Emily."

"Michael, nice to meet you." Michael grinned and shook her hand. She was pretty as hell too, and I couldn't help but to wonder why two girls like these would show any interest towards boys like us. Were they that desperate?

"And this loser is Ashton," Michael introduced and sent a nod my way.

"Thank you Michael, it warms my heart," I replied sarcastically before I shook both of the girls hands.

"I was beginning to think that you guys wouldn't come at all," Olivia laughed at us.

"That's because Ashton here is slow as fuck," Michael answered. I felt my entire face heating up as all eyes turned to me and I cursed Michael mentally.

"I lost track of time, I'm usually not that slow," I chuckled nervously. I saw Michael forming 'he is' with his mouth, causing me to slap him lightly while glaring at him. The words 'what the fuck man?' were probably glowing in my eyes. He just grinned again and shrugged.

"That's okay, I mean, you made it, didn't you?" Olivia smiled warmly as if to tell me not to care about Michael. Thank you. A relieved smile spread across my face as I gave her a nod. She was nice, I liked her.

We kept on talking until we reached the front of the line. Olivia showed her ID first and got in smoothly, and the same with Emily. When it was Michael's turn, the guard took a couple of seconds to compare him to the picture on the card, probably because he had switched his hair color once again. On the picture it was blonde, but now his hair was blue.

I put my hand in my back pocket to find my card as well, only to find that it wasn't there. I checked my other pocket before panic started to take over me. Where the hell is it?! I frantically checked all my pockets, but it was nowhere to be found. And then I realized it.

It probably fell out of my pocket when I took out my phone to check the time.

"Ash, you coming?" Michael asked from where he was waiting right inside of the door.

"I can't find my fucking ID!" I replied, not bothering to hide my annoyance.

"I'm sure this nice guy will let you in," Michael smiled and patted the guard (who was twice his size) on the back in an attempt to get me in. The guard just glared at him before looking back at me.

"Sorry kid, no ID, no entrance," he said coldly.

"Look, man, I swear I'm legal, please let me in," I lied, but he just shook his head. I let out a heavy sigh and rubbed my temples. Michael was just looking at me with a look that told me he wanted to go in but didn't want to leave me alone.

"Just go," I sighed and motioned towards the door.

"You sure?" he asked and I replied with a nod.

"Thank you, I owe you one," he smiled, his face lighting up as he went inside and left me alone. I stepped out of the line (of now very angry people since I had taken so long) and walked over to the cafe on the other side of the street. Now he was going to have fun at a concert with two hot girls while I was bound to buy a coffee before going back home and doing nothing.

Can you believe my luck?  


But I finally updated so I'm gonna selfishly assume that you forgive me c;

Anyways, thoughts about the chapter? It might seem like a filler but it's going to lead to something important, I promise

And how has your day been, my lovely reader? Feel free to hit me up if you want to talk, and I try to answer most of the comments I get so feel free to talk to me here as well!

ily guys

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