We reached the clearing by the lake and I instantly look for Leo, pouncing on him from behind and pinning him underneath me.

[Ambie get off me] my friend growled as he mind linked me
[Make me!] I retorted, only to find myself pinned under him.

[Noooo faaair] I whined.

[Life is not fair, deal with it.] His smug voice whiped through my head.
I huffed and waited for him to relax, then moved out from under him.

Leo was our future alpha and sun to Alpha Blue, yes his dad's name is Blue, like Blue's Clues, and he even looked a bit like the dog from that show.

For the next few hours we were chasing each other and heading just inside the tree line as we dodged one another in mock battle when a shot rang out and a whimper was heard.

We froze.

[HUNTERS, EVERYONE TO THE PACK HOUSE] it was Alpha Blue and wolves instantly running our way.

[Amber?] My mother, she was worried.

[I'm with Leo]

[Okay, meet us at the pack house.]


I looked at Leo and we nodded, taking off and running to catch up with the other pack members, but our legs were too short and we fell behind.

"Did you see that? the wolf with fur like flames?" I could hear the hunters, and it was clear that they had seen me.

So had Leo and he steered me towards the cave system and I let him.

[Hury up!] He growled, his alpha side appearing.

[I am] I glared back, reaching the safety of the cave and hiding just inside.

Neither of us shifted nor breathed to loudly and we curled into the hidden ledge, Leo using his black wolf fur to hide me in the shadows.

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know, you were the one tracking the fücking runt and its friend!"

The hunters were arguing about loosing us and I shook with fear. They were just outside our cave.

[Amberle, Leo, where are you?] It was the Alpha.

[In the cave, the hunters are outside where we are hiding.] I could hear Leo. Guess that Alpha Blue opened up the mindlink to everyone.

[Stay there, we are comming.]

It was quiet after that and suddenly howls and growls could be heard. Two shots rang out and I froze, recognizing who's scent of blood that was.

[Amberle, stay in the cave] It was a command from my Alpha,

ut I ran just as the last hunter died.
I went passsd him to where my parents were, silver running down their sides from the woumd they had taken.

I shifted, my long hair covering my naked back.

"M-mommy, D-daddy?" I whimpered, taking their hand as they shifted too, leaning their bodies against the tree to support themselves.

"Everything is fine. Just listen to Alpha Blue and your siblings. Be a good girl." My mother said weakly, one of her hand taking my hand, the other grasping my fathers.

Tears were flowing down my cheek as some one else started crying out. Mia ran to their side and Zack stood behind us.

"We love you three..." was my fathers dying words as him and my mother slowly became lifeless, the silver poisoning them.

"This is your fault!" Mia screamed, slapping me hard against my tear stained face before sprinting away, Zack glaring at me before chasing our sister.

Some one tall and strong picked me up and I grabed his shirt, crying because I know that I had lost my family tonight.


I stood beside the alpha as I watch the casket with my parents inside get lowered into the ground.

I couldn't cry anymore as I stood there emotionless.

My siblings had disowned me and no one my age came near me. Leo even ignored me.

The funeral ended and I knew of the plans my siblings had to burn down the family home this weekend with everything in it. Today me and the Alpha would clean it out while everyone else grieved. It was the only request I asked.

Hours passed and everything I wanted to keep was placed inside the trailer that was attacked to the old nineteen-sixtynine mustang convertable my dad treasured.
We hid it in the old shed that was at the very back of the pack propety, my stuff from my bed room already placed in the room I chose in the pack house. It was the attic that had been renovated into a bed room, the bigest room in the house that no one went near.

Thats where I cried myself to sleep all alone...

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