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Let's take a break for a minute, before the siege becomes too complex. I promised Maps and sketches, and this interlude has the first of them. I've cobbled together a little Map showing positions and movements of the Society defenders so far.

First off. Somerset House is a real place, it sits right on the bank of the Thames in London. The version of Somerset House in The Silent Storm is a slightly fictionalized version of the original, with a more solid structure and stuff (the real Somerset House wouldn't stand a minute under siege). The basics of the building remain the same though, so I managed to crib a fairly good map off the interwebs to use as a basis.

(Refer to chapter image)

To start with, the main, public entrance to Somerset House faces the Strand (the top bit of the map, labeled for your convenience). There's also a nice riverside terrace thingy which leads to several secondary entrances, including a corridor on the left side of the drawing.

Starting from the top. The translucent pink represents areas where we're pretty sure darklings hordes are gathered (as at Act 3).

The big red X is the spot where May Gaines (with considerable support from Carlos, the Galahad Magus) collapsed the Strand entrance. The black Xs are solid gates that were closed on the night of the concert.

We have a lot of swords tossed about on the map. Those are Berserkers (Knight Acolytes). The black sword is Jules Gaines and the purple one is May. Those lines close by the swords indicate their movement as they moved in to close off the Strand entrance.

The grey sword is denotes the initial position of the Gladiator-type Berserker/Galahad Magus, Carlos Estevario. I didn't add his movement pattern because that would have been a hopelessly confusing doodle (I also didn't have any toddlers available to execute said doodle).

When you move downwards and to the right you'll notice a maroon 4 (I couldn't help it, I'm a huge fan of Maroon 5). That's the approximate position, on the top floor, where we found four members of Kaspar's Dreams at the beginning of act 4.

The final, red sword is the initial position of June Gaines, the Gladiator type Berserker with the twin Pistol Blades (Rightie and Leftie). She started out from in front of the collapsed stage where she took down a Ro-langs. She then moved into the building proper to lay special Alchemyst bombs and close off as many points of passage as possible

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