Who the Heck Nomiated Me?!?!

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     Lenore's POV

     I walked into school with my uniform and hair looking quite decent. My hair was down, as usual, and my uniform wasn't wrinkly, like usual. Suddenly a group of familiar people stopped in front of me. It contained Brynnie, Andrew, Tadaaki, and Abi. They all had smiles on their faces as they looked at me. What are they hiding?

     "Hey Lenore!" they said in unison. I looked at them funnily and asked, "Hey mates? What's up...?"

     They looked at each other, probably secretly discussing a secret without me with their eyes. Andrew cleared his throat and asked, "I'm good, but is anyone gonna to the Winter Formal?"

     "I'm going with Lenore," beamed Tadaaki, like a kid in a candy shop. I faked a smile and nodded in agreement. Andrew looked very sad for a moment, but it returned back to happiness.

"I'm going with Troy Jackson," answered Abi, who was fiddling with her book bag. Tadaaki, Abi, and I looked at Brynnie and Andrew. I cleared my throat and asked, "Are you two going with anyone?"

"Exactly I'm-" Andrew was interrupted by Brynnie saying, "Exactly we're going to together! Right, Andrew?"

Andrew glared at her and answered, "Yes, we are, but please excuse for a moment," before dragging Brynnie to an exclusive area.

POV Change

Andrew's POV

I dragged Brynnie behind a row of lockers, confusion and anger pulsing through me. She looked at me, confusedly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm not going to the Winter Formal," I bluntly stated to her. Brynnie looked at me with sympathy, knowing why I didn't want to go. I wanted to go with Tadaaki. I've been crushing on him ever since he arrived at Westminster. No I'm not gay, I'm bisexual.

"You still have a chance, you know..." Brynnie whispered. I looked at her, funnily, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Lenore's gonna kill me...but...Lenore's a...lesbian...she's only going with Tadaaki because she didn't want to hurt his feelings...she wanted to come out to you when she was ready..." explained Brynnie. My eyes widen in shock. Lenore's a lesbian?!

     "....but Tadaaki's straight..." I mumbled and tears pricked my eyes. In desperation, I engulfed Brynnie in a tight embrace. She was stunned for a moment, but slowly hugged back. We shared an embrace for a minute until Brynnie said, "We should go back to the others..."

     I nodded and smiled at her. Brynnie was the sister I always wanted. We then walked back to the group, but apparently they went to class without us. Rude, but we were probably taking forever. Brynnie and I then walked to homeroom.

Timeskip to Lunch  and POV Change

      Lenore's POV

     I walked to my usual table with fish and chips, a carton of milk, a fruit cup, and a cookie on my tray. Everyone was sitting in their spots around the circular table. I sat and began eating lunch until our headmaster, Headmaster Kuntz, walked into the lunch room. He stood in the center of the room with a piece of paper and a microphone in his hand.

     "Good afternoon, students!" said Headmaster Kuntz, his voice boomed through the room. Every student replied with, "Good afternoon to you too, Headmaster."

     "I have so exciting news for all of you! Nominates for Winter Queen and King are going to be announced right now! And surprisedly, nominates are only from your year!" explained Headmaster Kuntz. Strange...usually nominates for any Queen and King are in year 12.

     "If I call your name, please come to me to receive your prince or princess crown," said the headmaster. Whispers suddenly erupted. "Kylie Pickens is totally gonna win," was the most common one. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my cookie.

     "Our Winter Princes are Tadaaki Serpens, Jason Lancaster, and Finn Dillon!" shouted Headmaster Kuntz. Applause erupted from the cafeteria as Tadaaki, a boy with black hair, brown eyes and very tan skin, and a boy with ginger hair, blue eyes, freckles and pale skin, walked up to the headmaster. The boy with tan skin was Jason, an exchange student from Peru, and the boy with pale skin was Finn, a student who recently moved here from Dublin, Ireland. Both were very popular, but weren't snobby and posh like the rest of them. Headmaster Kuntz placed a crown that had fake jewels upon their heads. The fake jewels were an amethyst, an onyx stone, and a ruby, our school colors.

"Our Winter Princesses are Kylie Pickens, Yara Pazzaii, and Lenore Mata!" Headmaster Kuntz announced, causing me to almost choke on my cookie. Silence fell upon the room the moment he announced my name as one of the Winter Princesses. I gulped and slowly got up for my wall of shame. The Queens' faces were, at first,
happiness for Yara and Kylie, but turned to shock and angry the moment they heard my name. Yara and Kylie glared at me with fury as we walked up to the headmaster. He placed a tiara with the same fake jewels on each of our heads.

"Voting for your Winter Queen and King begins today! Ballot boxes are located in the cafeteria, main office, and outside the student council meeting room! See Ms. Nathalie Richard, the student council president, for more information!" explained the headmaster before dismissing us to our next class. I looked at the smiling faces of Brynnie, Abi, Tadaaki, and Andrew and it clicked. They did it.

(A/N: Warning- shameless self-promoting. Sorry I've not been posting lately! I was working on a fanfic for Wattpad's "Perfect Storm" contest! If you like Hetalia, then go check out my fanfic, Trapped in a Blizzard! XOXOXO Brid)

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