Dress Shopping Diaster Part 2

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Lenore's POV

Our eyes locked in with each other as we stared at each other with mixed emotions. Kylie's eyes blazed with fury as she got up from the floor with the dress in her hands. I secretly gulped with fear at her.

     "What are you doing here, Norey?" said a overly-cheerful Kylie. I looked at her, like she just grew a million heads. Norey? What the fuck? Kylie suddenly hugged me and whispered in my ear.

     "You will lose the Winter Formal race for Winter Queen. I. Am. Your. Superior," she snarled. Kylie released me from her grip, flashed her overly-fake smile, and said, "Tada, Norey!" before walking over to a tall man talking on his smartphone, probably her father. I sighed with relief and walked back to mother.

     "Was that a friend of yours?" mother asked. I faked a smile and answered, "Just someone from school," before left Elegance.


     Mother unlocked the door to the flat and we entered. I walked upstairs to my room and locked the door. Collapsing on my bed, I sighed and stared at the ceiling with the bag containing my dress. Suddenly a small piece of paper flew out of the bag and landed near my dangling feet.

     "Is that the receipt?" I mumbled to myself, curiously. I got up and pick it up before reading it.

Hello peasant! I hope you like your new and improved dress! Remember not to mess with me, peasant!

     I gasped at the note and dropped it before rushing to the bag. Frantically pulling the dress out of the bag, I examined it. It was switched with an ugly, pluffy, bright yellow dress. I gasped at its hideousness before transforming into my raven form, grabbing the bag, and flying out the window.


I flew into Luigi's Pizzeria to see Brynnie and cleaning up the pizzeria. Luigi must of been out shopping for ingredients or something. Brynnie seemed to notice me because she yelped at the sight of a raven holding a plastic bag. I transformed back to normal, did a backflip in the air, and landed on a table.

"Sorry to pop in uninvited, but I need your help, Brynnie," I told her. She gulped and nodded her head before responding, "O-o-ok-a! What do-a you need-a, Lenore?"

I signaled her that I wanted to talk in the training area. She looked at me for a moment before realizing and ringing the 'food is ready' bell 5 times. The floor crumpled beneath us as we dissented to the training area. Before landing on the mattress, Brynnie transformed into a Persian cat and I transformed into my raven form. We both gracefully landed on the air mattress.

      "So-a what's-a wrong?" asked Brynnie, walking towards her desk and sitting down. I sighed and answered, "Kylie...she ruined my dress for Winter Formal..."

     Brynnie's unnatural green eyes widen with shock and said, "What did-a she do-a?"

     I frowned and handed Brynnie the bag. She examined the bag before opening it. Brynnie gasped at it and said, "This-a is hideous-a!!!"

     I nodded in agreement. Brynnie sighed then smiled and said, "But-a I can-a fix it-a! I'll-a put a Fairy Godmother-a move-a!"

She stared at me for moment, like she was looking into my soul. Brynnie snapped her fingers and suddenly I wasn't wearing my normal clothes, but the same dress I bought at Elegance. Then I realized Brynnie also swapped my shoes with white and golden high heels. I sweat-dropped at the looks of them. I'm already 5'6"! Why couldn't they be flats?

     "Bella! You-a look-a amazing!" fangirled Brynnie. I sweat-dropped at her. I can't wait for this Winter Formal to be over.

The Raven and the Serpent: The Beginning of the AdventureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon