We Enter God's Domain?!

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     Lenore's POV

     "Lenore, wake up!" said a familiar voice, known as Abi. I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. Everything was white and no signs of life expect Abi and I.

     "Where are we?" I asked groggily while rubbing my eyes. Abi shrugged her shoulders and answered, "I have no idea, but this reminds me of Fullmetal Alchemist."

     I wanted to fangirl that my girlfriend likes Fullmetal Alchemist, but suddenly we heard a voice.

     "Hello, Abijah and Lenore! Welcome!" said the disembodied voice. We looked up to see a floating ball of light. It couldn't be?!

     "Are you...God?" I asked nervously. Oh go- fish sticks,
I'm in the presence of the Lord?!?! The ball of light suddenly transformed into your average Joe.

     "Yes, I am and that was my true form!" said God. Abi and I immediately got on our knees and bowed, but God said, "There's no need, but we must discuss that oath you two made."

     I looked at Abi and gulped. The Bible states that homosexuality is a big sin, so is God personally here because of our oath of love?

"Lenore, don't worry! The duty of my followers and believers is to live by my teachings! You humans are all equal to each other and homosexuality exists to test my followers' love for each other...but so far, they're failing," said God as if he read my mind. He probably did. Abi looked at her shoes and asked, "So...you aren't going to doom us to hell?"

God smiled and beckon us closer. We did and he gave us a big hug. He whispered, "You're part of my children and so far, you two haven't commit unforgivable sins! I won't punish you two because of who you love. That would silly, Lenore and Abi!"

We ended the group hug and stood in silence for a bit. God cleared his throat, frowned, and said, "But if you two brake the oath, I will have no choice to dam you two to hell."

Abi and I exchanged glances of fear between each other. Then we looked at God and asked, "Did you teleport us here to...finalize our oath?"

God nodded and said, "Yes, I am," before his eyes turned pure white. He whispered in an ancient language, the same one I used when reciting the prophecy. Suddenly Abi and I passed out again.


"Lenore, wake up," said two familiar voices. I slowly opened my eyes to see mother and father hovering over me.

"Where am I?" I asked them with sleepiness lacing my voice. Mother's normally bright deep sea blue eyes are dull and red from crying. Father's normal emotionless demeanor was shattered when I spoke up. Both of them gave me a bear hug.

"You went into a diabetic coma for a week! Lenore, you scared the living hell out of me! The doctors said you might not have woke up, but God...THANK GOD!!!" screamed-cried mother, sobbing into father's shoulder. I looked at them confusedly and asked, "I'm in the hospital?"

They nodded as I scanned my surroundings. Colby was asleep in a nearby chair and Beau was sleeping in her portable crib thingy. I was laying on a hospital bed and wearing one of their ugly bland nightgowns. Three different IVs were also in the room and I had the same number of needles in me.

   "Also you have a note from Andrew and we're going to inform the doctors that you're awake," said father, handing me an envelope and they left the hospital room. I opened the envelope and read it.

     Dear Lenore,
             Sorry about the coma! I had to make it happen to keep the oath a secret. What everyone else knows is that you accidentally inserted the incorrect amount of insulin and went into a diabetic coma. Everyone expect Abi and her coverup story is a bit complex. Don't forget the oath and battle!

I quietly laughed to myself, not wanting to wake up Colby or Beau. God is a very sweet person...duh, Lenore! He's God! I yawned and decided to go asleep. Is  my life is getting stranger and stranger each day?

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