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I've had this laying in my notes for a bit.. Decided might as well clean it up some and post it. Tooth rotting fluff, almost. Mentioned pairings of Shady3Tears and Derillo.


The call he received in the middle of Hollywood Undead's "Day of the Dead" Concert had brought Jordon Terrell to tears. His manager had rushed on stage in the midst of their song, handing the phone to Jordon. Of course, Jordon knew it was probably a family emergency, if his manager had come on stage looking like he did. Jordon was shocked, to say the least. But, after the shock, came fear, and then old love struck up and he fell to his knees in front of thousands of fans, sobbing relentlessly for his first and only love. It went onto the news hours after. Jordon was already on the way to Oregon. Big Deuce, Tha Producer, Deuce, whatever other nicknames he has, was nearly killed. Aron fucking Erlichman, almost dead. After four long years of no contact, Jordon got a phone call from some hospital up in Oregon, saying Aron had been shot, multiple times, defending the honor of their band. He only had a fifth of a shot to live. Jordon has gone cross-country as fast as he could with as little pit stops as possible twice. The first time, when Aron needed out of Ohio, with his foster family, from abuse. The second, when Aron called him, Jordon in LA, Aron in fucking Moscow, that he needed Jordon. That he wanted Jordon; that he loved him so much, it hurt. Jordon got the first plane ticket he could and found Aron two days later. When they split up, Aron left the band. It killed Jordon, but he tried not to show it, failing miserably at it as well.

Now, Aron needed him. And he'll be damned if he's gonna ignore Aron. Jordon will get there. Aron will survive this. Only 17 hours later, Jordon was heading up to Aron's room in ICU. Only he, Arina, and medical staff had access to Aron's room. Jordon was nervous. He hasn't seen Aron in four years, no pictures, no calls, nothing. How much had he changed? Jordon had changed a great deal, lost a lot of that baby face he used to have.. Longer hair now, beard. He probably looked like a wreck coming through the hospital, searching for his love. He sure did feel like it. Finally, he finds the room. Arina's there, holding herself as she cried quietly, when he entered the room, shutting the door gently. "'Rina..?" Jordon calls out, and she turns to look at him. Arina had changed a lot since he last saw her. She was pregnant now, looked to be about three or four months, maybe. Her hair was longer, as blonde as ever, and her eyes were darker just a little. "Oh, Jordon.. You came.." She cries, crossing the room to hug him. And he doesn't deny her request for some comfort. He hugs her close, rocking her back and forth, shushing her gently. "Go on home, Arina. I'll stay with him." Jordon finally says when she pulls back. She nods, wiping her eyes, and scribbling down their home phone number. "Just- Just in case he.. Y'know.." She chokes out, and he nods, watching her leave. Aron is not going to die, he won't.

Finally, Jordon lets his eyes land on the sleeping figure, hooked up to wires and machine, breathing fitfully. He cries again as he sits in the chair beside Aron's bed. His hair is shorter than it used to be, not so clean cut anymore, and black as midnight, with hints of dark blue hues in it. Aron hasn't shaved clearly, in about a week or so. His jaw is still perfect, though, and he's smaller than he used to be. Taller, too. Finally hit that growth spurt huh? He has new tattoos. The HU one is covered up by some, and when Jordon lifts up Aron's shirt a bit, he can still see the '3 Tears' tat. Jordon lets his eyes roam back up, trained on the closed eyelids. God, how he wishes Aron would wake up, so he can see those beautiful brown eyes again. Jordon sighs heavily, running a hand through the sleeping man's hair idly, then relaxing into the chair, arms crossed. He falls asleep.


He wakes up to the monitor beeping just a bit faster than he's been accustomed to the last week and a half. Jordon stretches, groaning as his shoulders pop, and he freezes when he hears a soft voice ask, "Uncle Jor-dan?" He looks towards the door, to see Ava standing there, with Scarlett beside her. They're both holding flowers. He looks up and sees Danny and George too. "We came to check up on you." George explains. "Come on in guys.. Take a seat. C'mere girls, lemme see ya." Jordon invites, and they do, the girls rushing over to him. They sit their flowers on the table, and he pick them both up, hugging them tight. "I missed you guys, a lot." He whispers, kissing both of their heads. "You've been with Uncle Aron, keeping him alive and happy!" Scarlett giggles, and he nods. "I have girls. I've been up here with him.." He chuckles, as they snuggle up to him. "We're gonna head down to the cafeteria, will you watch them?" Danny asks after a few minutes, and Jordon nods. "Sure thing guys. Go ahead." He replies, and the two guys leave.

It's then that the heart rate picks up, and for a second Jordon almost cries again, out of fear. Until the breathing picks up too, and Aron groans softly. Jordon gets up, the two girls standing as well, and Jordon slides to the bed, cupping Aron's jaw. "Aron? Can you hear me?" The soft, whispered name makes Jordon sob, as Aron opens his eyes finally. "Jordon?" Aron asks, voice raspy. "Aron. Oh god.. Aron.." Jordon cries again, and Aron laughs, a hollow, empty sound. "Why'r'e you here..? I thought you.. Thought ya hated me.." Aron asks, leaning into Jordon's touch. Jordon just smiles at him, pressing a kiss on his temple. "Never, baby. I always loved you. Always have.. Always will. You haunt my every though." Jordon spills out, and Aron grins weakly. "Kiss me, then. Show me, just like you did years ago, when you got me in Moscow." Aron basically demands. Forgetting about the two little girls for just a moment, Jordon grins back, leaning closer and capturing Aron's lips in a passionate kiss. A chorus of 'Ewww's' and 'Grodie!'s follow the kiss, making them both pull away and laugh.

"Yeah.. Scarlett and Ava came up. The guys are down in the cafeteria. Lemme text George and he can get them." Jordon offers, and Aron hesitates. "On one hand.. I wanna be with you.. But, On the other.. I haven't seen the girls in years.." Aron says, more to himself. "Uncle Aron, we can come back with our daddies, later. You and Uncle Jor-dan have missed each other. That's what daddy says when he kisses Jeff. He says he kisses him like Jor-dan kissed you, 'cuz he missed him." Ava says, smiling. "Oh really now? George and Jeff?" Aron asks, looking to Jordon, who nods. "Yeah.. George and Jeff. Danny and Jorel, too." "Nuh uh!" Aron gasps, and Jordon laughs out, "Uh huh." A few minutes later, George returns, collects the girls, and gives Aron a, "Welcome to the Undead, Erlichman." before he left.

Jordon lays beside Aron, playing with his hair, and Aron kisses him again, just like their second one. Full of love, want, and adoration. And Jordon is more than happy to kiss him back, because Aron is alive and healing, and they're back together.


Okay. Heh. Enjoy? Guys, I need requests like seriously. I'm taking requests for ANY pairing besides Channy or Deuce x Danny[Unless you can somehow interest me]. Also taking prompts now. Pleaaaaaase help meeee.

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