Chapter Three

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Hey guys, so this is the next part. And I just wanted to thank Kelsey_Writes_AE for the banner that she's made!!

Hope you all enjoy it!!

The next morning, at the break of dawn, as her father saddled up the two horses Rosa went and bid farewell to Lily.

"Going on a trip Rosa?" Tom, Lily's brother asked as he opened their front door to her. He was just wearing trousers, clearly Rosa's morning call had woken him. He scanned Rosa's body from head to toe noticing her riding boots and travel cloak.

"Yes. I... I'm going to the capital for a few days. I was wondering if Lily is awake, I'm leaving soon and haven't got much time to say farewell." Rosa smiled. As much as Tom was kind to her he wasn't her favourite member of the Head family.

"Sure, come on in. I'll go fetch her for you." Tom smiled, as he opened the wooden door wide enough for Rosa to step through into the warmth. She watched as Tom raced up the stairs and turned left, heading to Lily's room. A few minutes later her best friend was in front of her.

"So... you really are going then?" Lily smiled. Her friend just managed to nod before she was pulled into a tight hug by Lily. "Good luck Rosa, I'm sure everything will work out. Write to me when you get there? I want to know everything." Lily gushed.

"Of course I will. I'll be back before you know it anyway." Rosa smiled. She looked at her friend's beaming face before she sighed. "I have to go, my father decided that we're leaving earlier as to avoid any questions from the villagers." Rosa explained before she pulled her friend into a tight hug before she pulled the door open and left. As she got closer to her house she noticed her mother was now dressed and joined her father outside by the horses.

"Ready to go?" Isaac asked as his daughter approached him.

"Yes. Goodbye mother." Rosa sniffled as she was pulled into a hug. She was still mad at her parents for their lies but they were her parents none the less.

"You look after her, you hear me Isaac?" Ebba demanded to her husband as he bid her farewell.

"Of course I will Ebba. I will write to you when we stop each day." He smiled and kissed her cheek before he helped Rosa mount her horse. And before she could catch her breath she was exiting the boundaries of the village.

Her father wasn't wrong about the ride being long and hard. Half an hour from setting off Rosa was already numb and saddle sore, she couldn't even imagine how her body was going to feel when they arrived at the capital.

At the end of the first day of riding hard, Rosa and Isaac arrived at a somewhat smaller village that was situated just over halfway to the capital. Due its size, the village didn't offer much in the way of accommodation so the pair ended up staying in a tiny room, which was originally a study, of the village preacher who very kindly took them in. As soon as the sun started to rise and the cockerels started screeching the pair were seated back in their saddles. Isaac seemed to push Rosa even harder on this half of the journey, not letting her rest until they reached a town just outside of the capital's perimeter.

The town itself was simply beautiful. It was surrounded by thick, green forests that encircled the town, but despite this the town was surprisingly light. The forests held many walks, all of which were sign posted and held footpaths so that if you stuck to the path you would find your way into town (that was, of course, excluding the roads leading in and and out of town).

"Okay, we'll rest here. Have some food, god knows what the prices are going to be like in the capital, water the horses and stretch our legs." Isaac smiled at his daughter. He was incredibly proud with how she managed the ride, not once did she complain that she was sore even though she must have been in agony.

"Sounds good, I'm going to take a walk around. Probably head off down the well path into the forest." Rosa smiled, she expected her father to protest and demand that he stick with her, but he seemed uncharacteristically relaxed.

"Okay, I'll go and rest the horses, get some food, find out which is the quickest route to the capital and the palace. I'll meet you back here in two hours?" He asked her. He knew that Rosa loved exploring. Ever since she was little she's loved the outdoors and out of everything forests were and always had been her favourite things to explore.

His reaction caused Rosa's smile to stretch even further across her face.

And so, the two parted ways. Isaac in the direction of the bustling centre and Rosa to the town's outskirts.

The path was very clear. It weaved through the trees like they had grown around it. Wildflowers sprouted amongst the trees in little clearings. Rosa wished that she could explore more nonchalantly, however she didn't know the area well and she didn't want to get lost. So instead of straying from the path she stuck to it as if it were law. Eventually the path led to a stream that flowed alongside another path that met hers at a crossroad of sorts. And at the centre of this crossroad stood a man and his horse.

The man stood tall and proudly. His silver armour glinted with the few beams of sunlight that trickled through the little breaks in the foliage. His dark, curly locks fell just above his neck. From behind he looked impressive, as did his horse. The horse was as black as night with a gorgeous mane that curled just like it's riders. The horse was of a great height, it easily towered above Rosa.

As Rosa approached the man, she tried her best to be quiet. She didn't want to be found alone in the forest with a strange man. That didn't go over well for one's reputation. However she placed a wrong foot when she heard it crunch a snail's shell and in the quiet ambiance of the forest there was no way that the man hadn't heard this. However, when he spun around to face the culprit of the noise, Rosa's breath got caught in her throat. As did his.

"My lady, such a pleasant day for a strole is it not?" He smiled, feeling her unease. The man just couldn't help but stare at Rosa. How could he not? She was stunning, with her long, dark hair, deep, brown eyes and plump, full lips that he could imagine were soft to the touch.

"Isn't it just. Although I see you chose to go for a ride instead." She said, looking pointedly at the great steed that stood beside him.

"Yes, Brutus loves nothing more than a fair weathered day for a good canter." He smiled and patted his horse's behind.

"Your... um, attire doesn't seem very fitting for the weather." Rosa noted as she tried to move past the man. Noticing this the man walked alongside her, pulling his horse along with them.

"Unfortunately I had no choice in wearing this. Business in the capital means that it is necessary I'm afraid. Have you ever been? To the capital I mean?" He questioned, he just couldn't get enough of the beautiful creature beside him.

"No, this will be my first time." Rosa smiled yet her mind was screaming at her to stop talking. She didn't know this man, for all she knew he could be a rapist.

"You will love it there I'm sure." He smiled, before he sighed. Ahead on the path were more men that were dressed the same as him all sat atop great, big horses. "I must go, but I cannot leave without knowing your name." He stopped and looked at her, flashing his pearly, white smile.

"It's Rosa." She replied, dazzled by his looks.

"Pleasure is mine Rosa, my name is Spencer. When you're in the capital we might meet again." He smiled, his eyes twinkling, before he climbed onto his horse and went to meet the men. In a few minutes they were gone.

Rosa continues on her path until she reaches the centre of town. Sighing she looks around for her father, only to find him at the bakery's. Once the pair finished eating their small supper that Isaac scraped together, they were back on the horses, finishing the last leg of their journey.

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