Chapter One

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Hey Guys,

So this is the first proper chapter, I would love to hear all of your feedback.

I'd like to give Kelsey_Writes_AE recognition for her lovely cover that she made me! :D Don't forget FEEDBACK XD

Sophie x


Three days from the King's passing, in a village, three towns away, the news of his death had only just spread. The bells of the church sounded in the middle of the afternoon, startling most of the villagers. A lot of the villagers didn't know what this meant, but those that did went rushing home, trying to find their family.

"Rosa! Come, now!" A woman with graying hair shouted at a tall, slim young woman. She whipped around to face the woman, her long, curly hair falling over her face slightly.

"Mother, what's going on?" She asked, confused. The young woman, Rosa, worked on one of the market stalls selling lace. It wasn't what she had desired for herself, but it helped put food on her parents table. "Does it have something to do with the bells?" She pondered as her mother grasped her wrist and pulled her in the direction of their house.

They lived in a small, quaint house on the outskirts of the village. There were only three members of the Lowther family. Isaac and Ebba Lowther were in their early to mid fifties and had lived in this house for as long as Rosa could remember, she couldn't imagine living anywhere else. This was her home.

"Oh thank goodness you're both here." Isaac said to his wife and daughter as they rushed into the house. "I've already taken the liberty of finding the certificate Ebba, along with the necklace. It's all here." He rushed.

"Okay, good. Rosa dear, you need to sit down." Her mother told Rosa. Confused, she did as she was told. Across from the wooden table from her sat her parents. They were both as white as snow.

"Rosa, you have to listen to us very carefully. What your mother and I are about to tell you, it will change your life." Isaac said, placing his palm on the table.

"I'm sure it can't be that bad. You're just being dramatic." Rosa scoffed. She couldn't imagine anything that would change her life. She saw her parents look at one another before her mother opened her mouth to speak.

"Honey, we aren't your real parents." The news hit Rosa like a bucket of ice water had just been thrown over her. She sat there in shock, she couldn't get a word out. And even if she could she wouldn't know what to say. "Isaac, get her a glass of water." Ebba whispered harshly to her husband.

"What do you mean you aren't my real parents?" Rosa finally got out after she had had a huge gulp of water.

"Well you see Rosa, your father and I. We can't have children. We tried for years and years to get pregnant but it wasn't happening. We adopted you from a Lady at court who was being forced to give you up. She wanted to make sure that you would be loved and that you would want for nothing." Ebba explained.

"But why are you only just telling me this now?" Rosa questioned, her voice sounding weak and weepy. "It has to do with the bells, doesn't it?"

"The bells mean that King Nelson Saville has died." Isaac said bluntly.

"And how does that link in with me?"

"There were stories that reached us a few years after you came into our lives about the daughter of the commander of the King's guard. It was said that she had an affair with King Nelson when he was just a Prince. Is was said that the girl was pregnant and when the child was born the King at the time, King Tomas, ordered the girl to have the child at the Abby just over the hill, she was then to give up the child before she was allowed to return to court. By the time she returned, the Prince had been married off to Lady Leonora Chapel." Ebba explained.

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