Chapter 15 Running

Start from the beginning

"She ran off after we had an argument. I'm worried."

"I'll keep and eye out for her. I'll call Casey and see if Maggie has seen her."

"Thank you."

"John, you and I have been friends for a while, was you and Bella's argument about the proposal?"

"Y-Yes it was."

"Don't cancel your plans with Mary, me and Casey got this covered. We'll try to find her. I'm sure Maggie and Gracie will help too." She said, "But you have a restaurant to get to, you don't want to be late now do you?" She said.

"I don't know Pa-"

"Go John." She interrupted.

"Alright, but text me if you find her please." I told her.

"I will John now go." She said and she hung up. I got dressed and hailed a cab to the restaurant.

>>>Bella's POV<<<

My phone was blowing up with texts from Gracie and Maggie.

Where are you!?!

Are you ok?!?

Bell talk to us!!

Come on Bella!! John's worried!!

The texts just kept coming. It got to the point where I turned off my phone and threw it a few feet away, "Why can't they just leave me alone? It's none of their business!" I yelled in frustration. I climbed into my little home and wrapped myself in my blanket and fell asleep.

>>>John's POV<<<

I sat at the table my legs trembling. I was looking at the wine menu when a waiter came up to my table, "What's your opinion on wine?" I asked not looking up at the man. He began to ramble off things in a thick french ascent, "Just bring what you think is good." I told him still not looking up. I handed him the wine menu and he scurried away. A few minutes later Mary arrived and I waved her to the table. She took her seat and smiled warmly at me. I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes, "You look gorgeous." I said as I drew back one of my hands and reached into my pocket. That's when the waiter showed up again.

"I'm sure you'll find this to your liking," He then began to rush his words together and I looked at Mary, who smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry not now please." I said as he kept rambling. I only caught the last few words.

"When he's in a crowd of strangers he suddenly of staring into the face of an old friend." He said and took off his glasses. I looked up and the small smile I had faded, "Interesting thing, a tuxedo. Lends distinction to friends, and anonymity to waiters." He says, the accent gone from his voice. I look at Mary as my eyes begin to fill with tears, I don't know weather to kiss him or punch him. I look down at the table.

"John?" Mary asks, "What is it?"

I can't hear anything after that, all I know is I threw a punch and tackled Sherlock and we were kicked out of the restaurant. We were in another place when Sherlock asked about the mustache and I tried to strangle him. We were in three different restaurants and every time Sherlock mentioned my mustache I tackled him or threw a punch. Once I had calmed down he asked a different question, "John, where is Bella?" He asked and I felt the tears reform.

"I-I-I" I stuttered, I-I d-don't know." I said as quietly as possible, but of course Sherlock heard it.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"She ran off." I said louder, "she was angry at me and she ran off I have people looking for her."

"They won't find her. I know where she is."

"What do you know of a secret place she went when she was mad?" I asked sarcastically, causing Mary to give a small giggle.

"No. I saw her before I crashed your date." He said seriously, "She saw me and I think thought I was a hallucination and went in the opposite direction." He explained, "I'll find her you go home with Mary."

"No. I can't I'm going with you." I insisted.

"John go home," He paused and gave a goofy smile, "and shave." He finished making me huff. I then gave a chuckle and nodded, knowing he wouldn't let me go with him, he needed to see her and I understood that. Mary and I caught a cab back home and Sherlock got one that went in the opposite direction.

>>>Third Person<<<

Sherlock had the cabbie stop outside the woods and paid. He got out and had the cabbie wait for ten minutes, when the time was up he could go. The cabbie nodded in agreement and Sherlock headed into the dark woods.

"Bella! Bella!" He called for his daughter, but she was fast asleep in her little shelter. He walked for most of the ten minutes and he heard the cabbie drive off. He looked around the maze of trees when his eyes fell on a small log structure. He rushed to it and looked inside. He smiled at the sleeping girl inside. He reached in and lightly shook her awake, "Bella. Bella wake up." He said softly. Bella stirred in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open and she rolled over to see her fathers smiling face. She was immediately awake at the sight of him.

"No, no you're not real I-I'm dreaming. My mind is playing tricks on me." She said aloud.

"Not quite." He said as he held out his hand for her to take. She ignored it and climbed out of the shelter on her own. Once she had realized that she wasn't just seeing things and Sherlock was really there, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug and buried her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her accepting the hug. Once the hugging was over with they then headed home, to Baker St.

A/N So what did you think, I know I know you don't want anymore sadness in this story. Well to bad I can't help it! Anyway hope you enjoyed and be sure to vote and comment.
Doctorwholover out


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