Not long after Allison left I heard a pipe groan and water splashing into a bath tub. I sat there with my eggs pushing them around the plate. All of a sudden the water turned off and I heard footsteps coming towards the door before it opened and Allison appeared.

“Hey your bath is ready. Oh hunnie you have barely touched your food, what’s wrong?” she gushed. “I'm fine,” I said with a forced smile but she didn’t really look too sure. “Really I'm fine.” “Oh well ill show you the bathroom,” she said walking back towards the door. I slowly stood up to follow her out the door but a sharp pain ripped through me. I clutched at my stomach as the pain forced me to hunch over.

“Elaina!! Elaina, are you ok???” Allison yelled as I screamed in agony. She rushed over to me just as I fell to my knees. “Elaina, what’s wrong??” Allison asked. “Elaina. Elaina can you answer me. I ne…” I heard Allison say before I was swallowed by darkness.

Beep. Beep. Beep, beep.

I woke up to the annoying sound of a machines beeping. I slowly opened my eyes finding only darkness. Everything was still except the beeping of the machine monitoring my heartbeat. Suddenly my door was pushed open and in spilt a bright white light that hospitals are famous for. In stepped a plump woman in a nurse’s outfit. She had curly, carrot orange hair.

“Elaina Hickory??” the woman asked. “Yes, what is it?” I asked her. “You have two fractured ribs and have badly bruised third one,” she concluded. “How did you come to have these injuries?” “I don’t know I haven’t had any pain there at all, well before I stood up anyway,” I lied, but it couldn’t tell her what really happened it was too embarrassing.


“Where is my dinner you worthless whore?” my father yelled. “I only just came home and you want dinner on the table well I hate to tell you but I am not your servant, I'm your daughter,” I screamed at him before going to my room.

I had only just reached the top of the stairs when an arm grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I screamed as I was yanked backwards. I felt my body slam into the first stair then the second before my body shut itself down and I was plunged into darkness.

I woke up on the couch and tried to turn to see what time it was but I couldn’t move from the pain. I screamed as my tried to move. “Oh my poor baby,” my mother gushed when she ran in. she stroked my forehead as she pushed me back further into the pillows. She the left to go to the kitchen but she was back in a few seconds with a cup and a straw. I couldn’t see what was in the cup but when she put the straw to my lips I drank it greedily.

“Get out of the way,” my father yelled at mum. When she didn’t move he grabbed her by the hair and threw her across the room. I saw my father grab a baseball bat off the carpet and closed my eyes as he lifted it above his head before bringing it crashing down on my side twice. I screamed as the bat came into contact with my body. Again and again I screamed out in pain but all he did was leave me there writhing in pain. Not long after that I passed out from pain.

When I woke up the house was deathly quiet. I tried to sit up but pain shot through me forcing me to recline back into the couch.  My breathing became shallow from the pain. I heard the door open, close and then heavy footsteps resonating from the hardwood floor in the foyer.  “You stupid whore why are you still on the couch and where is my dinner?” my father’s harsh, cold voice asked me. “Well, if you hadn’t hit me repeatedly with a baseball bat I would have had your bloody dinner on the fucking table,” I screamed. He punched me in the ribs in the same spot he had hit me with the bat. I screamed in pain.


I was snapped out of my memories by the nurse, who was shaking me and asking whether I was alright. “I'm fine. If you really want to know I slipped in the bathroom two weeks ago on the slippery floor and I landed on the edge of the bath,” I lied. I wasn’t going to tell her that my father was an abusive bastard that had hit me with a baseball bat.

“Miss Hickory I need to tell you that you will not be able to ride a horse for the next three months,” the woman said to me. “Why would you think I would be riding a horse?” I asked, honestly confused. “Your aunty does run a thoroughbred and quarter horse breeding farm does she not?” the nurse said like I should know this. “I wouldn’t have a clue I only met Allison yesterday and didn’t even know she existed before then,” I replied honestly, for the first time since I had awoken in this hospital. “Wow, I didn’t realise that your family wasn’t close she talks about you and your mum all the time, though, she has never mentioned your father is it just you and your mum?” the nosey nurse asked. “No I have a father I'm surprised Allison didn’t mention him,” I said feigning innocence. I wasn’t going to tell her that my father is an abusive, alcoholic heroin addict. That would be stupid. I knew what it was like when you told people that your father hit you. They looked at you with pity and disgust. They whispered about you when they thought you weren’t in the room and how quiet the room became when you walked in.

© over_the_moon 2011

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you are looking for something to read until my next upload check out my other story Age of the Werecats: The Begining


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