Just Another Song (Ezria in flashback) Jaria in present time.

Start from the beginning

I took Malcolm to middle school. I also had to take Daisy with me since Ezra left for work. She was still in her pajamas and sleeping in the back seat. I dropped Malcolm off. I still had 1.5 hours to go home, get Daisy ready for school, and get both of us to the Elementary school. 

The morning went great. Then things changed. The principal announced that the elementary school  was now on lock down. No kids were allowed to go outdoors for recess. A few minutes later the principal walked into my classroom. He told me that he would watch my class and I should go to the teachers lounge. When I walked into the teachers lounge the teachers in the room where watching the news. When I looked at the tv screen I was shocked. The headline read "Campus shooting at Hollis College." 

Hollis College is really close to this elementary school  so now I knew why we were on a lock down as well. I used my cell to text both my dad and Ezra. 

"I love you, stay safe, and I'm praying for you. - Aria" I sent to both my dad and Ezra.

 Several minutes went by and I had no response back. I began to worry. I decided to leave and drive the few miles to Hollis College. There were police officers all over the campus. I parked and I saw the police officer I was looking for.

"Aria, you can't be here right now. It's not safe." Toby Cavanaugh said

"I need to know if my dad and husband are safe." I said

"I saw your dad outside with a few students not that long ago so he is safe but I don't know about Ezra." Toby said

"I need to see Ezra." I said

"Aria, the safest thing for you is to go home. I will call you as soon as I hear something." Toby said

"I need to know if Ezra is still inside." I said

"Aria, I can't let you in there knowing if something happened to you it would be my fault." Toby said

"Toby please, I will be quick." I said

"I will let you in the English building under two conditions. One you wear a bullet proof vest and two I go with you." Toby said

Toby gave me an extra bullet proof vest. I followed him into the English building. We walked to Ezra's office. 

"Aria stay behind me." Toby said

Toby opened the door. I didn't see anything at first but then I noticed shattered glass. I closed my eyes not wanting to look around the room. Toby hugged me and I knew in that moment things were not good at all. 

I opened my eyes to face my worst fears. Ezra was lying on the ground, not moving and there was blood as well. Ezra had been shot. Toby radioed for a paramedic. Toby tried to stop the bleeding and he even tried CPR before the paramedics got into the room. When the paramedics arrived I could see the look on Toby's eyes. He was sorry but it was to late.

I was a widow at 23. Ezra was 30 and he didn't deserve to die this way. I was to upset to drive so Toby drove me to my parents house and told them what happened. I was grateful to have my dad but I didn't want things to end this way.

Malcolm's mother Maggie picked him up for school that day. Malcolm would then spend the next year shuffling between  Maggie and Ezra's mom. My parents picked up Daisy from school. They helped me explain in the best way possible to a 5 year old what happened to Ezra. I didn't want her having nightmares so I had to leave some things out. That night I went home to an empty house and Daisy stayed with my parents.

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