Chapter Eighteen

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Aletta and Xavier were about to go back her country. Aletta asked Xavier if he was sure he wanted to do this. Xavier said that he would not be able to live without her so if he wasn't ready to leave, he would have to be. Aletta said He was getting into more than he thinks... but he interrupted and said that he knew that he was getting her and that was enough.

Aletta and Xavier got on the bus and then they waited. They thought of what they were going to do until she changed the rule. They decided Xavier would hide in her room until she got the rule changed, so he wasn't noticed.

When they got to her country they snuck into her house, and they went up to her bedroom. Aletta said that he could stay in her room. Xavier was shocked at the size of her room, and how much room she had.

Aletta said she would get another bed for him to sleep on, and she went into a room down the hall and came back with a small bed. Xavier said that he could put it up and she should go outside, it would be suspicious if she didn't go outside and talk to her people.

Aletta went, and Xavier sat on his bed and looked around. He said that her room was about as big as their house. Aletta went outside and talked to her mother for a while. Aletta said she wanted to hold a meeting later today. Her mother asked what for, and Aletta said that it was about the rules. Her mother looked at her for a moment and then she said she would send for the choosing committee at noon.

Aletta went to her room to think about what she was going to say. She rehearsed it with Xavier and after a while they had it, and she knew what she was going to say.

Pretty soon it was noon and she was ready to get the rule changed. She went to the meeting and she thanked everyone for being there then she said "You all probably know that I called you here to talk about the rules. I would like to discuss one specific rule. The rule about the ruler, or anyone in the royal family meeting, or dating people outside the country. As we know the rule has been put for a reason, but I would like to revoke it for a reason too. This rule does not need to be in place, because of one little incident, years ago. I am here to say that the rule should be gone. Also if the rule is gone, then I will stay here full time."

Aletta's mother looked at her, and it looked like she knew why Aletta was doing this. While the decision was being made, Aletta and her mother walked out into the hallway. Her mother asked her why she wanted the rule to be gone. Aletta said that she had her own reasons.

Just then they were called back. Aletta stood up in front and said that she was thankful, for them to even consider this.

Aletta was then handed a note and Aletta read - the rule of dating someone from outside the country has hereby been revoked due to the ruler Aletta Bae Carrien. As long she stays in the country full time, as promised. Aletta smiled and said thank you, for agreeing with me.

Aletta tried to be professional and hide her excitement as she walked out of the room. When she got into the hallway, she looked around to make sure she was alone, and she ran and danced down the hallway. After she got to the end of the hallway someone walked out and she spun them around, and danced away. She went out into the main square and sat down on someone's front steps. She said "now we can finally be together, one thing has worked out for me, and it is all because of you, I love you."

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