Chapter Seventeen

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Xavier and Aletta decided that they would just go ahead try to be together, and he would come to her country with her. They were talking outside, in the yard. They were talking about how this would work.

Aletta said "finally something will work out for me, and it is the best thing that I could've hoped for."

He said "we will finally have a happy ending."

Just then as they were saying that, her Aunt came around to the back yard and saw them. Aletta immediately stood up and said that she would explain, but her aunt cut her off, and said you don't have to explain.

Aletta was shocked and said "you're not mad? Please don't tell my parents about this."

"I haven't so far."

Aletta looked at her and said "you've known, for how long?"

"For a while, you didn't think this was the first time I've checked up on you."

"I can't believe you knew the whole time."

"I'm just happy you're breaking away from your parents stupid rules."

"Is that why you didn't tell my parents, because you didn't like their rules?"

Her aunt said "I didn't tell them because I did the same thing."

Aletta was shocked, she thought that her aunt was perfect and did everything she was told to. Her aunt said Aletta's parents make stupid rules. Aletta said that she thought the rules were the same for generations. Her aunt said the rules were there before Aletta's parents, but they weren't as strict before.

Aletta was shocked at all this; she wondered what else she didn't know. Her aunt said that she snuck out to see someone special too. Aletta asked her what happened between them.

She said "we got married and had a girl, and then she ruled the country, and had a few kids of her own."

Aletta was shocked about this, and asked why her mom was so against dating people outside the country. Aletta said if they turned out ok as a couple, why was it such a bad thing.

Her aunt said "your mother always thought that he didn't understand the responsibility of the country."

Aletta said that it was a stupid reason to keep everyone else from being happy. Her aunt said that wasn't the only reason, her mother had. Aletta asked what the other reason was. Her aunt said that her daughter, after ruling for a while, found someone who wasn't from the country, and then she put in her resignation and left the country with him.

Aletta said "it was one person, that won't happen with everyone."

Her aunt said that it was her mother's decision, and then said she needed to go. Aletta said goodbye and then she looked at Xavier. Xavier said that he didn't know what to do now. Aletta said she didn't either, but she was about to. Then she went inside and Xavier stood there for a minute and said "ok then, goodbye" then he went inside.


That night Aletta was thinking about what she could do about this. After a while she must have fallen asleep, because she woke up the next morning and said she knew what to do.

She raced downstairs and quickly made food for Wence and Shanna, and then ran outside. Xavier ran out and asked what she wanted, because she seemed really excited about something. Aletta said that she thought of a way for them to be together. Xavier smiled and asked what it was. Aletta said that she rules the country now, and she can change the rule about outsiders.

Xavier said "that is a good idea, but you are not the ruler."

"What do you mean?"

"Because of your visits here, you asked your parents to rule when you were gone."

Aletta said that they were only ruler when she was gone, so she would have to change the rule while she was there. Xavier said that could work, and he was still coming with her, and he just wouldn't be seen until the rule was changed.

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