13 Part 1 - The Chamber Opens

Start from the beginning

"It's her subconscious. All that power and no reality to balance out her mind", Natalia sighed. "She has the mind of a child. That's why there's been so wild weather, why demons have found it so easy to enter the surface world. She's angry at me".

"Why? What did you do?"

"I'm her mother. Every child looks to theirs to protect them, but me, I left her to MIO to be locked in here for decades".

"You are not her mother though. You're a clone of her", Hyde exclaimed over the deafening sound as the Cerberus roared and lashed out with sharpened teeth. He had started to add everything together. "You mean-". The Cerberus smashed his paw down into the ground where he stood and he rolled to the side. Dance took Natalia's gun from her belt and immediately shot a round of six into the beast's chest.

"Oh, you seriously are an idiot", Natalia retorted to his actions and snatched back the gun. "It's not really here. It's just... a dream, half-drafted into reality".

"Then what do we do?" Dance yelled, starting to become desperate as he dodged the paws.

"The only thing that can send it back is the Hyde sword. It can separate the creature from its original thought, so it dies". Hyde pulled it from its cover and pointed it at the hound. It did not stir or pause its attack at all.

"Well then let's use it, not point it like some wand", Dance snarled and grabbed the blade from Hyde's hands. It turned red hot in his fingertips and burnt him so he screamed horribly.

"It can only be held by a Hyde", Natalia said calmly. "You absolute -"

"Save the insults for later, Lotts", Hyde interrupted before Natalia could finish, and retrieved the sword. Natalia spun around, double checking she heard him correctly. Hyde looked at her for a moment, with a half-smile. "I know". And with a flourishing movement, Hyde sliced the beast clean through and it vanished into the air.

"That seemed easier than it was originally", Hyde quipped and heard the click of the monocane gun to his spine this time.

"My threat stands Olejova. We've had our fun, but now open the chamber, or I shoot", Dance whispered, eyes ice blue in the light.

"Now, come on dear, let's just leave this. You won't get anything out of that chamber except more trouble for yourself. Just leave, please", Natalia lulled.

"No!" he shouted, his eyes darkening again. "Open it, now!"

"No. I won't. And you will let Robert go, or I will reign Hell on you for the rest of time". Dance searched in his jacket and pulled out a small, black device. The Hyde-block, from the start of this journey. He pressed a button on it and Natalia fell to the ground like a puppet cut from its string.

"No, not again", Hyde shouted, and Dance restrained him back.

"Look at her", Dance whispered, holding his neck up so he looked straight at her. She was struggling through the same pain she felt the first time he hit that button. Almighty pain, like something breaking her skull apart from the inside. "Look at your precious little MIO copy. She won't listen to me. Tell. Her. To. Open. The. Chamber".

"Lotts, listen to me, please. Open it, for me. I promise I will stop the pain. Just... please". Natalia looked at Hyde towering over her, and for a second saw Jekyll in his face. She saw the man who took her in and accepted her when nobody would. She saw her hero. With a timid hand she placed her hand on the chamber and then collapsed again to the floor.

"Take the pain away Dance", she wheezed, holding her head. "I did it, now take it away, please".

"But, why should I?" Dance chuckled. "Why should I? You betrayed me, I have the right mind to shoot you both now and take Lottie".

"You wouldn't".

"Oh sweetie", he murmured with a maleficent look in his eye. Kneeling down next to her he lifted her chin up to his face and dug his fingernails into her skin. "I really would". She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as the real Amortidor monster rose from its hollow.

"Lottie, my dear", Dance started. "I have released you from your prison that this woman put you in". The Amortidor had the same appearance as Lottie, cascading dark hair and skin the colour of milky coffee, but seemed different to her at the same time. She blinked at the man in front of her then looked towards Lottie who was silently howling.

"Mama?" she said in a tiny voice.

"She put in here, she drove you away from a life you could have had. I can help, you can be part of something more than this".

"Mama... put me in here?"

"Yes", he whispered, looking to Natalia with a devious glare. "Yes she did".

"Dance, you don't get it. That's not Lottie, that's the Amortidor. Lottie's at your feet, she's been here all along", Hyde interrupted gesturing to Natalia/Lottie lying on the floor.

"Don't you think I knew that? I never wanted her. She was weak, couldn't even handle her own powers, but this one", he cooed, twirling the Amortidor's hair. "This one will be the key to my success".

"Mama!" It shouted in anger. "Mama, you left me!"

"I didn't, I really didn't", Lottie whispered, tears starting to form in her eyes. The memories came flooding back and they were as painful as the pounding in her head. The Amortidor's eyes boiled red as rubies and from her hands came some sort of energy.

"What's happening? Lotts?" Hyde asked, falling to her side to help her. "What's she going to do?"

"Tick, tick, tick, boom", Dance whispered with a smile.

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