13 Part 1 - The Chamber Opens

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"Fine, I will", she started and placed Olalla's copied fingerprint on the scanner. "But don't you dare lay a finger on him or-"

"Or what? You can't use Lottie's powers, you're just a capsule for them. To be transferred to a higher plain", Dance said, drifting off. "Now, open the door, or I shoot him in the neck".

"Keep your hair on dear", Hyde murmured under his breath and twisted under his grip. Dance forced his arm forward so it pressed his finger on the scanner. Natalia did the same.

"Welcome back, Mr Hyde", exclaimed a very British voice on the other end of a speaker. "I do hope you have returned to see me, it has been a very long time since you visited".

"Stevenson, I assume", Hyde asked and batted away Dance's hand from his mouth.

"Louis, my friend, is that you?"

"No, it's his son, Robert".

"Gah, you sound so much like him".

"Now, now, we need to get into the chamber. It's an emergency".

"Of course, but I need the codeword".

"The... The codeword?"

"Yes. You think your father would just let you off with a trick fingerprint scanner and a pat on the back?"

"I have a gun barrelful of monocane about it be in my throat that sort of hopes that he would".

"Who's down there?"

"The Enemy, Natalia spoke quietly into the speaker. "The Enemy is here".

"I see. The chamber is yours then. Good luck, bure mwanamume".

"Bure mwanamume?"

"It's my name in Swahili".
The door creaked open, it hadn't been opened in a long time. Inside it was ice cold and on the walls condensation had frozen into clear glaciers. In the middle of the room was a bathtub shaped chamber with a glass cover on top. Thick metal clamps were on the sides and on the front was some sort of snake like creature in a glass box connected to the chamber. It hissed wildly and four crimson eyes opened as it rose out of the case. It had vicious, diamond-shaped scales the colour of emeralds and flame.

"Uhamisho nyoka. The Transfer Serpent. This is what will give Lottie back her abilities".

"But Lottie is the one in there", Dance answered, rather puzzled.

"Is she?" Natalia asked and glided her stilettos along the floor. "If you say so".
She tiptoed around the hissing serpent that curled and glinted its pearl white fangs, then placed her hand on the glass case. Slowly she closed her eyes and seemed to be communicating to whoever was inside.

"What are you saying to her, it?" Dance snorted, slightly loosening his grip on Hyde in consequence of his curiosity.

"I'm saying that Mummy's home". As soon as she finished her sentence a huge blast of white smoke was released from the chamber, tinged red and green. From the smoke came a grotesque creature, a hound, snarling. But it didn't have one head, nor two, but three. All spitting blood from their canines.

"What the Hell is that?" Hyde asked, eyes widening at the sight in front of him. He got away from Hyde's grip and could only stare in awe and horror at the hound from Hell.

"It's a Cerberus. The protector of the demon underworld and afterlife. Surely you've heard of it".

"But what's it doing here?" Hyde enquired and the beast swung one of its mighty, clawed paws at him. He managed to move away from it, but it left a gaping gash in the concrete flooring.

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