It thankfully wore off fast enough, but he knew better than to get back up abruptly. That just ended in another taise. He'd learned that lesson a good while ago. Instead, he ground his teeth together and turned his head so that it faced the door, where whoever taised him had to have come from.

Oh for fuck's sake. Of course it's him. The pimple guard. 

When someone else stepped inside the room a moment later, Domino really wanted to risk another shock in order to punch him. It took everything in him to keep his body from launching at the bloody Irish asshole. What really helped, however, wasn't his own determination but what he saw trickling down the man's bare chest.

"Looks like someone got you good. Remind me to thank them." He spat, making Jana's cold eyes trail down to where he lay on the floor. The man's gaze infuriated him immediately. The effect doubling when his lips turned from a slight frown into a sarcastic smile. He's literally and figuratively looking down on me!

"Look what the cat threw up."

The jab made Domino sit up, but he didn't dare stand since the taiser barb was still embedded in his side and if he reached for it, he'd likely get shocked again. Instead, he forced himself to stay still as the pimple guard walked over and stopped about two feet from him, then looked over at the doctor.

"Are you okay? And can you patch him up please?" He asked, glancing over at the doctor as Jana strode in calmly, as if he didn't have badly bleeding scratch marks running down the middle of his chest.

"Can I finish tearing him up?" Domino added, grinning up at the doctor as the man glanced down at him for a moment, scowling, before he finished making his way to Jana. Shaking his head, the doctor reached up, but then realized he didn't even have gloves on or anything to treat the injury with in his hands.

"What am I going to do with you, Jana." He mumbled as he turned and gestured for the man to follow him over to a small exam table in the far corner by a counter that visibly held several types of antiseptic and gauze on it. When Jana stopped beside the doctor, Domino figured the guy would just stay mute, but that definitely didn't happen.

"I promise I won't do it again if you let me have your ass just once, Emmet."

The doctor blushed so badly that even with his back to Domino, he could easily see his skin heat to a cherry red color around his ears. He fumbled about wiping the blood from Jana's chest, then applying antiseptic before he managed to get his embarrassment under control enough to reply.

"You wouldn't stop just because of that. I know you, Jana."

He tried to make his voice sound more stern with his last few words, but as he looked up and met Jana's eyes, the volume of them slowly decreased to end in a whisper. There was quiet for a long minutes while Emmet wrapped several lengths of bandages around Jana's injuries. When he finished and took a step back, taking a deep breath at the same time, Jana chuckled. The sound seemed awkward coming from the guy. It wasn't a sinister laugh like he'd done before Domino had passed out in their cell. It almost sounded... playful?

"No, I wouldn't. But I do dream of you naked beneath me so often that when I wake up and take care of myself, I almost believe that I might somehow manage to stop just for the chance to pound you into my mattress. Maybe trade places, too. You'd look delicious in just a pair of torn sweatpants and handcuffs."

That bastard is flirting with what's going to be mine! Domino finally realized, growling in frustration. The sound caught Jana's attention, making him look over and in turn, make the doctor turn his attention him, as well. With a slight, disturbing skip to his barefoot-step, Jana made his way over to Domino and squatted far too much in his personal space.

"Aw, it's okay, little chipmunk. I'm sure you'll find someone desperate enough to bump a rodent. Don't get your hopes up that they'll let you do em, though. And you. Well, you better keep the hell away from Emmet or I'll kill you. I don't like my men's faces bruised."

Domino would have replied back with his own snarky response, but the deadly, even tone that Jana used brooked no argument. When a full minute passed and nothing else was said, Jana straightened back to his full height and turned to Emmet, who had walked over to stand beside them. Figuring that he wasn't going to get taised any longer if he didn't make any sudden movements, Domino carefully rose to his feet, then pulled the taiser barb from his side.

"Can we go back now?" Jana asked suddenly, already turning from them to start his way back to the door.

Domino pursed his lips, uncomfortable about going back to the same cell while his head throbbed. He knew that he could deal with the man now that he knew how fast he was, but he also knew that he'd likely be slow for awhile until he fully healed from the hit he'd already taken. He couldn't say that he didn't want to go back, though. He couldn't sound weak, even if he clearly wasn't.

"Fine." He eventually grumbled, allowing Tommy to lead him back toward the door. Jana watched him like a hawk, making Domino glare. "Don't even think about touching me when we get back, sick Irish bastard." He warned.

He thought the warning would at least wipe the assessing grin off of the man's face, but instead it just made it grow.

"You don't have to worry about that." Jana said cheerfully as he darted a quick glance over at Emmet, winked, then returned his gaze to Domino. "I prefer only putting my effort, and dick, into people who want it. It's never much fun screwing someone who doesn't want what I've got. They just fake it to try and get you to stop sooner. Total bore."

Domino was speechless as Tommy tugged his hands behind his back and cuffed him. "Since you both seem to be doing fine, we're going back now." He said before opening the door and allowing them to step through. "Thanks for your help, Emmet. Neither of them seem to need meds, so I'll see you next time. Hopefully not very soon."

The doctor, seemingly feeling more reassured now that both inmates were out of the room, called back. "Hopefully!"

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