It didn't have any specific consistency, but immediately I could feel my temperature rising past optimum. My breathing quickened to a point where I was panting like a dog. It felt like someone had started a fire inside me.

I heard a loud, ear-piercing scream join the air. Upon noticing a dry feeling in my throat, I realized it was me.

Adrianna seemed to enjoy it. The look in her eyes suggested that this was what she wanted all this time. "Love is power, you say?" she sneered. "It makes you weak. It causes you to worry about others, put your own life on the line for them. And that, Rosie, is what gets you killed."

She raised her hand.

I fell to the ground with a cry. I could feel my bones slowly breaking, shifting their position, reshaping. My upper body sprang upwards as my spine started doing the same. "Argh," I groaned. "What is your problem?"

"You are my problem!" she shouted. I stared up at her through my currently blurry vision. "You think all's good just because we're together again?!"

My shoulders snapped backwards, slowly curling into a different position. "You're insane. Do me a favor, go see a doctor," I panted. A sickening crunch of my bones was heard. "Mmm! And bring me one while you're at it."

"A doctor wouldn't help," she whispered venomously. "You'll just heal back into your flawless, unscathed self. Why would you know what I'm talking about? You don't remember."

"No, I don't. I—Gah!—literally have no idea, what you're—Ouch!—babbling about," I grunted out. It stopped momentarily, allowing me to just kneel there, breathing hard. I held up a finger. "But I still think you should see a doctor." 

She shook her head at me in anger and once again raised her hand. I tensed, preparing for the wave of pain to hit again.

But instead, someone's hand gripped my arm. My stare clashed against Callie's green one. She seemed in pain as well, perspiration covered her forehead, but she helped me to my feet.

"I'll take care of her," she said firmly. I gave Adrianna one last glance before nodding at her. She could handle it.

Adrianna stared at us before suddenly shouting a foreign word. Some great bright ball came flying at my face.

Someone appeared next to me. And the giant ball flew past the area I was standing not a moment ago, hit the wall instead. Leaving behind a black scorch.

I stumbled forward at our new destination. Joe let go of my hand and examined our surroundings. Everyone else was here too, minus Callie.

It was the Draganov residence. Literally right outside the damn house.

I glanced up and was met with a familiar pair of black eyes. And wavy black hair. Stoyan.

Turns out, Diana had intervened a while ago, possessed by Ken himself. Now her eyes were back to brown and the Alpha called her before I could greet her: "Diana!"

Her head snapped towards him and she stood up from the porch next to Abby who gave me a sour look. "Took you long enough."

"What are you talking about? You just disappeared on me with absolutely no clue as to where you were going."

I sighed. They were always going to be like that. "Where's Fallon?" I asked.

Diana looked at me as if just noticing me for the first time. "Ken called him. He's with him right now."

I shook my head internally at him. "Or he's just avoiding me."

"Ken's dying," Abby said flatly. Joe stiffened from next to me. When I turned to face him, he had changed into a bird to fly away.

Unmasked | Book 1 in "Dark Descendants" (Editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum