Chapter Two

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Welcome to my second chapter! Let me know how you like it!

Last night was one of the longest nights for me. I was stuck sitting there, praying for no predators to happen upon me. My arm had steadily bled until I managed to tie the cuts with seaweed. Every sound would have my heart racing and pounding inside of me. I could hear my breathing become ragged and swore the whole colony could hear me.

In reality though, we were secluded. I think this is why no one has noticed the abuse I receive on a daily basis. We were a humble people of about four hundred total, and our colony was safely hidden at the bottom of the ocean. When we had interactions with humans, we sang to them and bewitched them, causing them to believe whatever we told them. Usually they believed we were a dream and forgot about us continuing on their way. While most merfolk avoided the humans, I was captivated. Something about them drew me in. I think that it was the sheer fact that there are so many of them. They can escape whatever troubles them, and will find a place where they are accepted. I, however, am stuck. I am bound to this lifestyle as we are the only colony. Due to this fact, we had harsh rules, especially when it came to the humans.

I was the only one who dared to spy it would seem. Not that it mattered though. I was the invisible girl. The one never heard or seen, and that was how my family liked it. Due to this I was what Marie deemed a nerd. I was punished if I interacted with any merfolk, so naturally my friends were scriptures I found in ship wrecks. That was a hobby of mine. I would search wreck sites and take things of interest. I knew so much about the world on land. The untouchable, and unreachable land that I so desperately craved.

My father arriving snapped me out of my thoughts. It was around two in the morning as he untied me without a word and swam in.

I immediately went to clean out my newest cuts before going to sleep on my pallet.


The next morning, I was up early making breakfast for my family. As I finished, I decided to go exploring again. The sea from yesterday had not calmed, actually growing more intense as the storm clouds piled in the sky. I went back to where I was yesterday and noticed a ship fairly close, realizing this must be what I saw yesterday. As I went for a closer look, I took notice of the crew.

There were nine men aboard the ship. The closest was a giant with an olive completion. His arms were flexing under the stress of taming the sails, and I caught my breath. I quickly diverted my attention to the other members and was soon captivated again. Doing the same as the giant on the other side was a red head, shorter but by no means any less strong. In fact I began to notice that all of the crew were strong. The one directing the ship began to shout, grabbing my attention. His brown hair was thrown against his face, out of sorts due to the rain, and I had the urge to fix it. From here I could see hard steel eyes behind glasses, determination flashing through them as he ordered his crew about. On the other side stood four men. One was obviously in command, with green intelligent eyes behind his glasses. He directed three other men to lower small boats towards the sea. One of the three was glaring at the ship with crystal blue eyes, muttering to himself as one of the other was smiling without a care, his longer blond hair draped across his face. The third was looking dignified soaked with water, and his eyes looked to contain flames. The remaining two men were scooping buckets of water out of the ship. One was blond with green eyes and an easy smile as he chatted with his crew mate. Looking to the last man, I knew I wouldn't want to mess with him. He was in all black with dark hair and a scowl on his face, clearly not enjoying the battle with the sea.

Suddenly I caught on, they were going to abandon the ship. The mast was bending and starting to break as they all ran toward the lowered boats. As they were getting in, a huge wave approached. As I saw it reach them and take them under, I knew what I had to do.

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