Chris: just give me crystal 

Jess: HELL NO!

Chris: i didnt ask u to shout did i

Jess: im taking crystal wiv me so piss off

Chris: so u wanna do this the hard way now?

Jess: i dont care about the hard way but all u know is ur never gonna take my baby

Chris: where's that bf of yours?

Jess: in the car waiting for me now move yourself!

he pushed me inside and locked the door

Chris: u aint going no where

Jess: there is a back door its simply 

i walked all the way to the back door but two boys stood by the door and one of them snatched crystal off of me

Jess: if u dont give my baby back i will kick u where it hurts

Boy1: shut the hell up 

Jess: do u wanna mess wiv me now!

Boy2: i will put this baby in the car chris


i was just about to charge until someone grabbed me from the back i knew it was chris

Chris: i can take who i want and u didnt even have the guts to take her from care u enjoyed seeing her go now u can see her go now

Jess: if u take her i swear i will hunt u down

Chris: i guess u would have to

Kyle P.O.V: What is taking Jess so long with crystal maybe they are doing something i will just continue listening to music

Jess P.O.V: seeing crystal get taken away by that boy really upset me i just wanted to kill them and cassie this wouldnt have happened if cassie never texted chris erggh

Jess: let go of me nigga

Chris:  i swear u need to stop calling me these shit 

Jess: just wait u will die

Chris:* pushes Jess to the floor* just lie or i will hurt crystal 

Jess: please dont hurt her

Chris: then stay there

Jess: where are u going?

Chris:somewhere oo and u might not see crystal again

Jess: plz chris this isn't fair

Chris: it wasnt fair wen u took her from me

Jess: im sorry ok i didnt mean to i just wasnt thinking

Chris: u can come wiv me to be with crystal or go back to kyle and not see crystal

Jess: plz dont do his i love kyle and i wanna be with crystal

Chris: hurry up i havent got all day

Jess: i will go wiv u but can i explain to kyle first

Chris: no i need to go now

Jess: but-


Jess: *sighs* i will come with u

Chris: good now get ur ass into that car

Jess: fine

i walked to the care thinking about kyle and wen i got in the car crystal was fast asleep

Kyle P.O.V: They were taking so long so i decided to go and see wat they were up to.. i tried opening the door but it was locked so i shaked it and shaked it then i kicked it down and saw chris

Chris: errgh wat do u want?

Kyle: to get Jess and Crystal but wat im supossed to be asking is wat r u doing here?

Chris: i came to take wat was mine

Kyle: where r they?

Chris:  u dont need to know

Kyle: TELL ME!!!!

Jess: Kyle im sorry

Chris: i told u to get in the car

Kyle: y u going with him?

Jess:... w-

Chris: its none of ur damn problem so leave now she doesnt love u


Kyle: come on jess lets go

Chris: if she goes wiv u she cant see crystal again

Kyle: u sick bastard

Jess: im sorry

Kyle: just rememeber i love u

Jess: i love u too

i saw them both head to the car and crystal sat up and waved bye to me i made my way to the car and drove home i hope i see crystal and jess again

Chris P.O.V: Crystal needs to die i never wanted her to be around i dont even love her

Jess P.O.V: I hate leaving Kyle like that i dont know wen i can go back to him but chris wont even let me see him

Jess: where are we going

Chris: how about u wait and see *winks*

Jess: i dont even love u anymore just remember that

i started touching jess she just smacked my hand away and told me to focus on driving

Chris: Y u gotta be so moody like that

Jess: u just took me away from my boyfriend thats y

Chris:u will get over it trust me

Jess: no i wont

I think this is the longest part i have ever done but anyway u might be angry because of wat chris did and yh im gonna carry on writing and there might be a second book to the wen i finish this one

hope u like <3

follow me on twiter @Joybabes2


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