What is Wanted More

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Once they got back to the hotel Jay slipped the tape into the player. Nico was looking forward to see what Hoodie had made, he had only had one night. Even though he had worked through it without sleeping, Nico was interested to see what he could come up with in such a short time. Jay was just about to press the pay button when Masky stole both their attention by freezing suddenly.

"On no." He mumbled before he started coughing. Nico and Jay glanced at each other in alarm but neither of them were coughing, so it wasn't the operator. Jay was the first one to act, in a flash he was kneeling in front of Masky with his hands on his shoulders.

"Tim, did you forget to take your pills?" Jay asked sounding panicked. Masky nodded, shit with all the drama and with Nico 'going missing' he must have forgot. "Where are they?!" Jay asked and Masky shook his head. "You don't know!?" Masky nodded and doubled over coughing "What do we do?" It was Nico's turn to snap into action. They couldn't be assured they would find the pills in time but he knew exactly where something else was. Those tie things Jay had bought. Nico had no idea what they were for when he had first gotten them but they would work for this.

Darting to the curtains, Nico drew them and then darted around to the bag where the ties were. Taking them out he called to Jay and tossed a few of them to him before kneeling down in front of Masky as well and showing him the ties.

"I think it might be the best way to keep you from running off or hurting anyone. Are you okay with this?" Masky met Nico's eyes through another coughing fit and then nodded. Jay hesitated while Nico got to work immediately before Masky's coughing could translate into the twitching fit that would make it almost impossible to secure him. They had only gotten his final limb secured before the twitching started.

"He'll dislocate his arm if we don't hold him still, help me!" Nico did his best not to shout because Jay had backed away panicking. Nico had thought that Jay was sensible for a mortal having seen enough things to be cool under pressure but apparently not. Shaking his head, Jay did come back though and helped Nico keep Masky from jerking his arms out of their sockets. He would have bruises on his wrists though, still they couldn't be helped. Once Masky stopped twitching, Nico backed away and pulled Jay back with him. He suspected that Masky's violent streak would begin any second and it would be best if they weren't to near by.

Nico had another idea and drew Jay with him behind Masky where they couldn't be seen. If they stayed out of his line of sight and quiet they might not trigger him.

"Stay as quiet as you can." Nico breathed almost directly in Jay's ear so Masky couldn't hear. "With nothing to trigger him there's a chance he might just pass out without the freak out bit." Jay nodded and did his best to stay quiet. It frustrated Nico how loud Jay's breathing was but he suspected Jay couldn't help it. Nico kept his eyes on Masky as he looked around the room and pulled slightly at his restraints, not seeming particularly bothered by them. Nico had been right, with nothing to catch Masky's attention or attack he stayed pretty calm, acting more like a bird in a darkened cage.

It didn't take long for his head to loll to the side and his breathing to become long and regular. Very carefully Nico padded around to the side, his footstep silent on the carpeted floor. He waved to Jay to stay still, Jay's footsteps were louder and until Nico was sure Masky had passed out it was best for Jay to stay still. Masky's eyes were closed, Nico took a deep breath and let it out in an audible sigh, Masky didn't react. Nico waved Jay over.

"I don't know how long he'll sleep for, but we should find his pills before he wakes up." Nico whispered to Jay once he was close enough. Jay nodded and they started looking. Jay found the pills about twenty minutes later in a pocket of Masky's bag. He took out one of the pills and got a glass of water so that they would be ready to give Masky the pill as soon as he woke up.

Nico and the creepypasta'sOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz