Play with us

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Laughing Jack reached out one of his long fingered hands and shook Nico's offered one, he didn't hold very tightly but that was just as well since his fingers seemed to be as sharp as knives. Nico surprised, shivered, and L.J. gave a rusty sounding giggled before letting go of Nico. Nico reached out to Sally to shake her hand too, at first she half hid behind L.J. but after glancing at Hoody, and receiving an encouraging nod she crept out giving Nico's hand a quick shake before letting go again.

"So where's the new one come from?" L.J. asked Masky as if Nico wasn't there, his voice sounded like metal screeching on metal.

"Can we play with him?" Sally asked in a small voice that sounded just like a regular little girls. Nico was about to say that he could answer for himself and of course they could play when Masky cut him off.

"Toby found him in the woods, and Slenderman wants to know more about him. Since Slenderman wants him around you can only play non-violent games, understand Sally? Or at least non-lethal if you play with him like you play with humans, uncle Slendy will be very upset with you." Nico was annoyed for a moment to have Masky speaking for him but then he was glad Masky had. It sounded like if Nico had said he would play with Sally without conditions he would have ended up dead.

"Awww but that's no fun." L.J. eyeing Nico as Sally pouted for a moment. Nico stood his ground and stared back at L.J, he would fight the clown if he had to. L.J. seemed to realize because after a few silent tense minutes he shrugged. "He's almost too old for my games anyway, if the old man wants him then whatever." Nico wondered what age L.J. liked for his 'games'.

"Do you like hide and seek?" Sally asked seeming to warm up to him as L.J. did.

"I love hide and seek." Nico agreed once he glanced at Masky to make sure it was safe. "Just to warn you I'm really good at it, I kind of disappear into shadows by accident sometimes when I try to hide." Sally perked up squeezing her teddy even tighter and bouncing up on her toes.

"Oh no, you can't run off with him right now, Sally." Masky intercepted her apparently next action. "He still needs to meet E.J. before dinner. Do either of you know where he is?" Sally shook her head and L.J. shrugged, he seemed bored.

"Can he play with me once he's met E.J.?" Sally asked innocently, Masky nodded and Sally smiled. "Then I'll help you look for him!" She glanced at L.J. who shook his head and wandered back into the woods. Sally didn't bother watching L.J., running over to Nico she grabbed the hem of his shirt and started dragging him towards the mansion. Nico glanced back to make sure that Masky and Hoody were following, before relinquishing control to the little girl in the blood stained dress.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING WAIT FOR ME!!" Nico had nearly forgotten about Ticci-Toby as he heard pounding feet and panting rushing up behind them. Nico glanced back just in time to pull Sally back as Toby, tried to stop too fast and face-planted right were Sally had been standing. His arms were stretched in front of him, Nico doubted he had even tried to break his fall and as Sally burst out laughing he understood why. Masky laughed to and even Hoodie gave a small chuckle, Nico didn't join in laughing but he did smile slightly. It looked like L.J. wasn't the only clown.

Toby pushed himself up grinning, there was a little bit of blood trickling from his nose but Toby hadn't noticed, there hadn't been a crunching noise so it wasn't broken and no one bothered to tell him. The nosebleed would either stop or Toby would notice when the blood got in his mouth, either way no harm done.

"We're going looking for E.J. so we can play hide and seek!" Sally informed Toby starting to drag Nico again so forcefully that he stumbled, she was very strong for her size.

"Oh okay, but why hide and seek? Hiding is boring you have to stay still for ever!" Toby said getting to his feet and walking on Sally's other side. "Why not tag?"

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