the beginning of disaster

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One of my maid told me the new Lord arrived, I walked out of my room toward the receiving room, as I entered the room, one of the council's man said
" Lord Dante, this is Princess Lucy. The lioness that mount the mountains"
I smiled and looked at him for the first time, my breathing stop, he was the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on, he was tall 6,9 or taller (not sure yet), he was very muscular with a tarn on his skin like he spent alot of time in the sun, he had ocean blue eyes and curly hair. I was speechless.
"Princess" he said
"my lord" that all I could say, with those eyes on me, I couldn't breath or think straight
"take a sit here Lucy" my dad said petting a spot next to him
"as we were telling Lord Dante is that, he has to marry you" one of the council's man said
I roll my eyes and look down (oh not this again)
"as I was telling them, I will not be marrying you or anyone for that matter" Lord Dante said, I smiled to myself "that's funny, he doesn't want to marry me too. That's OK for me but this man have no idea what he is getting himself into" I said to myself
" as we explain to Lord Dante, it's our custom and culture that the new King marry the Princess upon taking over the throne for his new people's sake." another council man said
" she can stay here in the palace until she find herself a husband but that husband will not be me" Lord Dante said
Again I couldn't help but roll my eyes, what was I doing here anyways, I have better things to do then sit here and watch people debate about me future.


As I look at Princess Lucy, the woman was beautiful I never fancy black woman before but she was beautiful with those big brown eyes that has enhanted me before, I looked at her sitting quietly next to her father, she had humour written all over her face even thou she was looking down
"what was she thinking" that's all that was on my mind, she was looking down and as I spoke " she can stay here in the palace until she find herself a husband but that husband will not be me" I said and I can she that she just roll her eyes, she was not affected by my words and as I look at her I could see that she wanted to be somewhere else but here which just offended me more, she was not interested in what was happening, that only means that she was forced into this as well or just a spoil little princess
" Lord Dante, it since that this is not your choice" another man said and I took my eyes off the Princess
" I said no" I said and stood up and left the men sitting there but before I left the room, I notice that the Princess had a smile on her face, which irritate me more " what the hell was she thinking" that's all I could think about.


As I watch Lord Dante walk out the room, I smiled to myself. He think he can get reid of me that easily, I walked out of the room and walked to my mom' s rose garden where she was buried and sat on the bunch "I will not leave you alone here mommy, this I promise you. He will have to marry me whether he likes it or not" I said determine written all over my face
I sat there almost the whole day lost in my thoughts
I walked inside the palace and one of my handmaid told me that Lord Dante 's uncle just arrived and there were in the throne room, "I wonder what there are talking about?" I ask myself and headed to the throne room to eavesdrop on them
As I stood by the door listening to there conversation


As I sat in my new room that I have gotten from the maid, I still couldn't take the Princess's eyes out of my head, her lips that where calling me to devour them, her full lips that got me hard just thinking about them. Then a knock brought me back to reality
"come in!" I shouted, what was happening to me? why am I thinking about the princess?
"your uncle just arrived my lord and he is waiting for you in the throne room
"thank you, I will be with him in a moment" I said to the maid
What does he want now, my uncle was the king of Norway and he hates travelling, why is he here, I ask myself as I walked to the throne room
"uncle, what do I owe this visit to?" I ask as I enter the throne room, he looked up at me and smile
"my boy! All grown up and receiving me in his own palace" he said with a grinn on his face and I laugh
"well I try" I said
He looked at me as I gave him a big hug, I have missed him his like a father to me
"so I heard you are getting married" he said with a smirk on his face
"no I am not, I turn the Princess down" I said, "that enchanted princess" I added to myself
"why would you do that?" my uncle asked curiously
"I don't want a wife, or ever get married" I said looking in this blue eyes
"is it because of her?" he asked and I nodded
" I will not get hurt again" I said
"then just bed her and get heirs out of her" my uncle said
"I said I don't want her" I said


"is it because of her?" I heard the uncle say, and I wonder " who is she?"
"I will not be hurt again" Dante said, now that makes sense, he is heart broken "poor thing, serves him right" I said sarcastically
"then just bed her and get heirs out of her" the uncle said "what an asshole" I thought to myself, they think they can make me their baby making machine
"I don't want anything to do with any woman" I heard Dante said
I gasp loud and the mans conversation went quit, I put my hand on my mouth and waited
" well the council informed me that they will bring war upon you and burn this palace down" the uncle said and that's it, I couldn't contain my anger, I pushed the doors open and walked in.
"first of all, no one is burning my home down" I said to the mans that looked at me like I was crazy
"look Lord Dante, this is my home! It means more to me than anything in this world, I can't let distraction come upon my people so I am begging you, I will do anything, even marry you if I have to and carry your babies, I will not ask anything from you.." I said with tears running down my face
"princess I just can't" he said looking into face
"I promise you, I will not ask for your heart" I said tears still rolling down my cheeks
"princess I..I" he was cut off by this uncle
"how dare you listen to our conversation little girl!" the uncle shouted at me, I automatically backed away and went into Dante's arms, I hold on to his shirt as he wrapped his arms around me


As I wrap my arms around her, she felt so soft in my arms, I was enjoying her in my arms, this is were she belonged, I smelled her hair and it smelled like spring
"I can have you killed for listen or better yet, I can have your tongue cut out!" my uncle shouted and I could see she was scared to even look at my uncle
"do you know what we do to little girls that likes to eavesdrop?!" my uncle continues and she shake more with fear
"come on uncle that's enough " I said still holding her, my uncle had a smile on his face as he spoke again
"wait how about we just kill her right Now? And said she killed herself rather than marry you" my uncle said sarcastically still with a smile on his face
"no one is killing anyone uncle" I said
"come on Dante this will solve all your problems, you don't have to marry her if she is dead" my uncle said with a big smile on his face, I could see his having the time of this life on the princess's account
"that's enough uncle, you had your fun with her, she is scared" I said and as I said this, I felt her stiffen in my arms and she pull away from me or like push me away from her
"oh right" my uncle said with a dismissive wave of his hand
Lucy looks at me with hurt in his eyes and tears
"are they really going to burn my home down if you don't marry me?" she asks me softly while she glare at me "this is all my uncle's doing, I hope you are happy bastard" I said to myself and then I look at my uncle with cold eyes and he just smirks
Lucy saw the look I gave my uncle and turn to him
"you asshole!" she shouted at my uncle, I could see shock in this face, and I was also shock at her out burst
"excuse me little girl" my uncle ask her
"you heard me, you son of a bitch! How dare you make fun of me and my home, I can kill you for that, you jerk!" she scream at him and my uncle walk slowly towards her and he Tower over her, to intimidate her but she didn't back down, she just continued glaring at him
"do you know who you are talking to little girl?" my uncle asked her in a scary tone and she just put her hands on her hips "what an incredible woman, I am impressed" I said to myself
"I don't care if your God or the devil himself, I could care less" she scream at him
"wow Dante you really have to marry this woman, such fire!" my uncle said with a laugh and as he said my name, Lucy remember that I was also in the room because of the way she turned around to look at me still spitting fire
"and you, when there bring war and distraction I hope there kill you first" she said and stomped out the room
And we both look at the door were she just walked out in awee
"that woman!" my uncle said
"I know" I said still looking at the door
"such fire, such spirit*-:-) I wish my wife had the same fire" my uncle said
"how can I make her leave her home? This place obviously means alot to her" I said
"you can't" my uncle said while looking at me and he stood up
"so I command you to marry her" he said and I nodded
I watch my uncle walk out the throne room
"that sharp tongue, I will really like to but it to good use" I said to myself with a smile on my face
So I have to marry her after all

Princess  Five (the Thin Line Between Love And Hate) Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat