No Relaxation? That's... Okay (Cole x Jay)

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"I'm so happy!" Shouted Jay. "You actually came!"

"Yea. Why wouldn't I come Jay?" I asked.

"W-well I thought that you wanted to relax." Exclaimed Jay.

"I would pick my best friend over relaxation Jay."

Jay blushed. "T-thanks Cole. I would too." Jay then smiled the most adorable smile I had ever seen. I blushed and smiled back.

"My, my Jay." I look over and seen Ed and Edna walking over. "Is that your friend Cole?"

"Yes mom." Jay answered. I smiled as Ed and Edna made it over.

"Cole, dear, have you gotten taller since the last time we've seen you?" Asked Edna, walking up to me.

"I'm not sure Mrs. Walker." I replied.

"Just call me Edna dear." Edna then took my face and pinched my cheeks.

"Mooooom." Jay groaned.

"Oh I'm sorry dear." Edna let go of my cheeks and stood next to Ed again.

"Let's get to the trailer." Said Ed. I pick up my bag and start walking. Jay walked next to me. When we made it to the trailer, we walked in.

"Set you stuff down anywhere you want." Ed told me. I nodded and set my stuff down on their blue couch.

"Well you two.." I turned around to see Ed and Jay stood next to me. "We are going to get out of your hair now. I left you two some money just in case you want to get something."

Ed and Edna grabbed their stuff and walked out the door. "Have a good time you two!" Shouted Edna as they made it to their car. Ed started the car and before they left, they waved. Jay and I waved back as Ed and Edna drove off.

"So what do you want to do Cole?" Asked Jay, walking over to the couch and sitting down. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down next to Jay.

"I don't know. I'm leaving it up to you." I said. Jay thought for a moment or two.

"I know!" Exclaimed Jay. "Why don't we go out to the city and just hang out there?"

"Sure, why not." I answered. I stood up and walked to the door. Jay got up and grabbed the money that Ed left us and walked over to me.

"Ready?" Asked Jay, stuffing the money into his pocket.

"Yep." Jay smiled. I blushed. It was the cutest smile ever. I smiled back.

(Time skip)


"Mmmmmmmm. This ice cream is amazing!" Exclaimed Jay, stuffing the ice cream in his face. Jay and I came to this ice cream shop and we're sitting across from each other on a table.

"You better slow down. You'll get a brain freeze." I said, taking another bite of my ice cream after.

"Brain freeze!" Shouted Jay, grabbing his head in the process. I burst out laughing.

"What did I tell you!" I said, still laughing. Jay then laughed with me.

After the ice cream, we went to another place. We went from place to place and had an amazing time. It wasn't relaxing at all, but it was ok. I didn't really care about relaxation anymore.

(Time skip)


We were back at Ed and Edna's watching TV. We were sitting on the couch. My body was facing Jay, head facing the TV. I was leaning on one of the pillows on the side of the couch and my legs bent up, leaving room for Jay who was sitting next to where my legs were, legs crossed.

"Cole?" I turn my head and look at Jay. "Thanks for coming over and hanging out with me." Said Jay, smiling.

I blushed a crimson red. "N-no problem Jay." Jay smiled again and looked back at the TV. I nudged him with my foot and after a couple minutes passed, Jay looked over at me.

"I had a good time too." I said, still blushing. Jay smiled again. I blushed the brightest red. I turned my head away so Jay wouldn't see. Jay then laughed. I pushed him a bit with my foot. Jay laughed even more.

"I did to." Jay said when he was done laughing. I then moved over right next to Jay and flicked him on the forehead. I laughed and Jay joined in. We laughed for a couple minutes. When we stopped, we looked at each other.

Jay was blushing and so was I. I leaned in just a bit. Jay's blush became brighter. I leaned in more and so did Jay. Then we were kissing. Jay wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around his waist. We parted after we were both out of air and looked at each other.

"I think that the kiss was the best part today." I said, blushing. Jay blushed the brightest red I've ever seen.

"I-I think it was too." Jay replied. Jay kissed me again and I took my hands and held his face. Jay had the most amazing kisses.

And I swear, relaxation would be the last think on my mind if it had to do with Jay, but I'm okay with it because I get to be with him. My motormouth.


Hey guys!!! I'm finally done with this chapter!! I had a fun time writing this and I hope that you guys enjoyed it!!! See you on the next update! (~•3•)~

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