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Maya's POV

Today is the big day, our graduation. Mom and dad has everything prepared for the big party their throwing us after the ceremony and here I am standing in my mirror wearing my cap and gown, we've come such a long way and now the day is here. The day I leave high school  take on a whole new adventure. I don't know where life will lead me, but I know it will be a fun experience and I'm looking forward to the ride

We left out once I was dressed and went to pick up Sasha. when mom and dad dropped us off we sat as the service began. It wasn't long, our valedictorian was Jordan who isn't into giving long boring speeches. His speech s short and sweet, once we were done we all threw our caps into the air and cheered, then headed to the party in my back yard that happened to be right on the beach. all our friends were invited so we had a huge beach celebration

Talia: They look so happy, our baby girls are done with highschool and Maya's not even eighteen for another year 

Kensi: yeah, they make me so proud. Despite everything they've been through they made it and came out on top. I had no idea Mr player was so smart  though

Talia: Jordan's a lot smarter than he acts

Mom you have to be smart if you have dreams on being the best doctor in the country. He's a genius and an Idiot all at once, but I can live with that because he's cute and really sweet 

Kensi: I don't know what I'm going to do with you. I have to go feed your sister so go enjoy the party 

Thanks for dong this for all of us. This is really fun having all my friends here before they all go off for their summer vacation then college 

Kensi: I had lots of help from everyone, you kids deserve this, you've all done great this term and that's why you finally got that car you wanted

Your the best mom ever, I love you so much

I gave her a hug before she left to feed Emily then I went and joined my friends after checking out my new car. 

Jonas: did you have a good time at this party here. I know you think things like this can be a little lame

It was great. I have all the people I love supporting me and my friends. It's nice having that

Jonas: I bet, well you got a nice cars.

Thanks, they really surprised me with that and I love it. Jo I don't want things to be weird between us, we're friends so let's cut this awkwardness

Jonas: I thought we had a shot, I really liked you because your a great girl but your in love with Jordan and it's cool. We can be friends. I actually have a date so I'll see you later Maya

Later dude, have fun on your date

Jonas: I plan to. Lizzie's hot

He left and I headed over to my group of friends. Jordan wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck, I can't say I don't love that

Jordan: hey babe

Hi, what have you been up to all day long?

Jordan: waiting for a minute alone with my princess. We need to talk about some stuff, serious stuff like you and me

I hope your not ending things.

Jordan: what part of I'm never letting you go don't you understand? I'm talking about you and jonas. Did you two have a thing? It's cool if you did because you were single

No thing, he's a friend and nothing more. Is somebody jealous, because this is too cute. I love you and you only, no need to get all jealous because jonas is not my type

Jordan: I'm your type, and I was not jealous of that dude

Your such a liar, but I love you anyways. Let's go chill with Sasha and Makai

Jordan: I think Katie's about to be a big sister soon what do you think about that?

If Sasha were pregnant I would know. She said before her and Makai try form another baby she wants to finish her four years of college and he's still in school now. I know they want a house full, but their working on the house first

Jordan: I want a house full myself

So I've heard, I'll settle for two and if there's a need for more I'm sure we'll make it happen since you can't keep your hands to yourself. I'm going to miss you like crazy when you go off to school. You better not let any of those Harvard girls try and get you to replace me

Jordan: baby your irreplaceable. Harvard won't change us and I'm going to Skype with my baby everyday. I promise you it's you and me forever bae

I know

We walked over to Sasha and Makai who were headed out

Jordan: little sister where exactly are you headed?

Sasha: I'm the adult in our relationship and we were headed for a walk, but since you have nothing better to do we may be able to entertain you for a while

I was thinking maybe we could all go somewhere this summer. We could head down to Miami and live it up

Sahsa: have you met our parents, that will never happen. We can all live it up right here. Trust me Maya, we'll have one hell of a summer before your little boyfriend leaves

Whatever Sasha. Let's just go have some fun. Who's going to keep Kaitlin?

Sasha: mom said she's got her for today, they want me to have fun this summer so Katie will be chilling with them. Nell really loves babysitting her because she's a quiet baby

She's easy to manage

We all headed back down to the beach where we spent the evening chilling in the sand and talking about all the adventures we'll have this summer. I'm really looking forward to this. We all are

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