chapter 27

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Chyna's pov

I was now hosting at the club. So far I was having fun but I wanted to go back to my family at home because I'm exhausted. I grabbed a bottle of ciroc and took a few sips until I seen Chris walk pass. I didn't know he was here but I decided to go after him.

"What are you doing here Chris?" I asked.

"You know just tryna find something to do since Royalty is back with her mom for a few days."

"I want to leave but I'm hosting here so I have to stay to get paid." We both laughed.

Last time me and Chris were in the club things didn't go well but that's when he told me he liked Nicki. All the memories flowed through my head of all the times Chris, Nicki, Tyga, and I all used to hang out. Things don't seem the same anymore.

"Well I'm here to keep you company. I needed to tell you something anyway." Chris said.

I sat down and Chris sat in the seat in front of me.

"So what did you have to tell me?"

"Nicki invited me to her wedding and I don't know if I should show up or not."

"I think you should go because Nicki would feel bad if you didn't show up. If you don't feel comfortable you can leave early, but at least show up."

"I have mixed feelings about Nicki." Chris confessed.

"What you mean?" I asked taking another sip of my ciroc.

"One minute I want her away from me then we'll kiss then I don't want her to leave. Even RoRo hates when she leaves."

"Chris you obviously still love her and I know she loves you too. Meek isn't the one for her and I know it but I have no control over what she wants." I said with all honesty.

Nicki's pov

I was at a basketball game in philly with Meek. I don't even know how he talked me into going. Shit Philly seemed more excited to see me than him and that's where he lived.

It was in the final quarter of the game and I was ready to go. My mind began to think of Chris. I love him very much but something is holding me back from him, I don't know if it's my pride or what but I miss what we had, from Royalty to Chris's romantic or funny moments.

My heart belonged to them and I would never turn my backs on them and I'm thinking about canceling the wedding, but it's too late and why ruin it for everyone?

Snapping me out of my thoughts I received a text from Chris.

Goofball😅- I'm coming to your wedding. Thanks for the invite. Goodluck Nic👍.

I texted back a thanks.

"Who's that you're texting?" Meek asked.

"Oh, it's just bey." I lied.

Meek had a piece of food on his face so I went in my purse to grab a wipe to wipe it off. It was The mother instinct in me, I guess from watching Royalty. Which made me miss her even more.

I felt incomplete without them. I shed a few tears and quickly wiped them before Meek noticed.

The next day....

Chris's pov

"Aye big head. Why you up?" I said to Royalty, who was standing in my doorframe.

She walked over to me and tried to pull me out the bed.

"Get up dada."

I got her early this morning because her mom had "plans" and couldn't watch her.

"Alright RoRo I'm up mama."

She ran into the bathroom, trying to brush her teeth. I helped her get cleaned and dressed for the day.

Royalty had so much energy today she almost killed our puppy, ran into everything in her little car, and acted goofy during my instagram video of me singing to her.

I swear she's my daughter and I'm so thankful to have her and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Tyga's pov

Well today I decided to take King and Chyna to Disneyland. We haven't done a family thing in awhile.

I dared Chyna to get on this ride with me and she was super scared it made me die of laughter.

"Someone was scared." I laughed as we got off the ride.

"Shut up. You know I hate roller coasters." She lightly pushed me.

"Chris is going to Nicki's wedding." Chyna randomly said.

"I feel like something bad is gonna happen." I said.

"Don't say that. We need this wedding to be perfect."

"The wedding is in a few days so we need to be prepared for anything."

She nodded in agreement. King was holding onto both of our hands and we swung him back and fourth. I was just happy to be with them. The whole time I was with Kylie it made me realize how much love I had for Chyna and King.

I love them till the death of me.

Haven't updated in awhile forgive me.
Love the new wattpad update!!!
Wedding coming soon!!!
Meek & Nic?
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Luv ya Royalties✌❤

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