Ch: 24 Fear, Love and Rage (Part: 1)

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Only after fighting near about half a dozen grotesque creatures did I encounter the warrior of Tash's. It was Lady of Green Kirtle. Beside me, I could almost feel Caspian bristle with suppressed rage. This was the woman who had murdered his wife and enslaved his son for so many years.

She was quickly joined by none other than Miraz. They both had their eyes on Caspian. Caspian gave me a look and I understood his meaning very well.

Miraz had wronged him but the Emerald witch had murdered his wife and enslaved his son. He despised Miraz but he hated the Emerald Witch a lot more than him. The priorities were clear. I was to take down Miraz. Caspian had other scores to settle.

Before Miraz could attack Caspian, I launched my offense at him. He was reluctant to leave Caspian, I knew but this was battle and we did not always get to pick our fights. Just as Miraz's full attention came to me, I lost track of Caspian and the witch's battle.

Last time that I fought Miraz, we were both bound and restricted by customs and rules. That was not the case this time.This time, we were on the battlefield and in battles there were only two rules. One, don't get killed. Two, kill the opponent.

So, that's what I strived to do.

Miraz was an accomplished warrior, no doubt. He was using his superior weight and strength against me just as ruthlessly as I was using my speed and agility. He was using both his shield and sword against me. His only aim looked to batter me. I blocked his sword with my shield just as he tried to bring his sword down on my arm. In the same second, I thrust Rhindon forward hoping to stab him through the neck. He too brought up his shield just in time. Twisting out of the way of his next strike, I swiped at his neck again. Again he blocked but I did manage to make a rather nasty cut on his face. It was not fatal or even dangerous but it did seem to anger him. This could go either way.

His next blow was brute strength, a result of his anger and I just managed to get out of the way. My shoulder did get a painful blow though and pain shot up my arm. It was the shoulder Caspian had just fixed. It was throbbing painfully but it was at least still working. Miraz did not miss a beat and started throwing all his blows towards my injured shoulders. I had to duck out of the way again and again because it just wasn't possible to use my shield effectively against the onslaught.

Knowing my defense was not in a very good state at the moment, I chose the best mean of defense; a good offence. I had one chance. If I missed, I would lose the opportunity. Miraz would be on his guard again. He was so focused on my shield arm that he did not have much time to react properly to my attack. I feinted an attack on his shoulder but just as he brought up his shield, I thrust Rhindon down towards his abdomen.

Till date I had no idea who had forged Rhindon but whoever had, had done a marvelous job. The Telmarine chainmail had no chance as my sword just broke through the leather and metal and stabbed him right in his gut. His momentary shock was my chance as I kicked him in the shins, stepped on his shield arm and rained down blow after blow on him. He did put up a fight but it was not long before I managed to disarm him. There was no question of hesitating. Without stopping for even a moment I brought down Rhindon right on his throat. He was dead before I had yanked my sword out.

Once that fight was over, I looked around me once more.

No creature of Tash's army came to attack me. It was due to the soldiers of Charn. Knowing they couldn't kill the warriors, they had taken up the job of protecting the Narnian warriors from the random soldiers of that army. The armies of Narnia and Charn engaged the bulk of Tash's army. This left the warriors of both the sides and Tash.

Around me, I could see Kanell and Xati take down one of the other two giant warriors of Tash's army. Oreius with another group of soldiers was dealing with the last giant warrior of that side. Jadis, as of now, was not engaged in any fight but I could see her looking shrewdly at Velma who was taking down a hag-like creature that was one of their warriors.

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