New School New Friends

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You and dick hung out with gray all week, and each day you fell for him more and more. to the point where u wanted to throw your brother out the door when gray came to hang with you and him. But it was time for school, you couldn't hate school any more you wanted to spend more time with gray. You pound you alarm clock off and got to your daily routine but instead of a uniform like your last school, you wore a red shirt, a blue skinny jeans, black boots, and a black leather jacket. You brushed your raven hair and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. After brushing your teeth you went downstairs and ate breakfast with your family.

"Soooooo...... you ready for your first day " your mom asked, " yea i still got dick so i won't be by myself, right bro? " you said with a smile hoping your brother doesn't ditch you. "Of course you do (Y/N)" dick says smiling, you gave him a questioning look 'he seems nervous' you thought but pushed it aside figuring that it because you both are going to a new school. You said your good byes and made your way to fairytail high. You were both lucky you got to attend as a sophomore because of your grades, the school is a rather large school, that has a castle like exterior and its going to be a challenge finding the main office. You both walk a good distance considering your house is a good walking distance away and you both refuse to let your family drive you, because it will let you learn your way to school.

You and dick are only a few blocks away and with each step you nerves got worse and worse, your brother notices this and places an arm on your shoulder you looked at him feeling better, but not fully. "So what do you think our new school will be like?" your brother asks breaking the silence between you to, "um I don't know but i hope it is as awesome as we heard about, and hope no one recognises us, I can not take the paparazzi today" as you say this you let out a giggle "yea I know what you mean" dick replies you both laugh and continue your trek.

You both finally reach the front of the school. Students are filling in the school, you both look at them and you can feel your nerves coming back at you full force. Dick notices this and places an arm on your shoulder calming you. You both enter the school, the wooden doors open letting the air condition breeze hit you, you walk through the clean hallway. You look at a case full at trophies the school has won. "I have no idea where to go what about you (Y/N)? " dick asks turning to you "not a clue bro" you respond looking around "just great" you both sigh knowing you are lost.

(AN: Me- hey guys sry i haven't updated for so long school has been hectic and i don't get any time for myself, i haven't watched any anime in so long *cries* but i am loyal to u guys and will try to update sometime this week sry for the long wait, say bye eevee

Eevee: boi boi waves bye)

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