Chapter 16: Birthday Surprise

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Chapter 16: Birthday Surprise

Isabelle's POV:

After telling the truth to Henry about the difficult parts of my life, it felt as if a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I didn't feel like I had to worry about our relationship anymore. And my life hasn't seemed so perfect in a long time.

And to top everything off my birthday will be coming up soon, and I will be turning 17!

Natalie has been begging to take me on a shopping spree and to throw a huge party for me on my birthday(July 14th)but I really didn't try to argue with her when she has her mind set on something, so I just agreed with her instead.

Life was good right now, Henry and I were finally boyfriend and girlfriend which sounds silly of me to think of right now but I can if I wanted to, and I haven't heard anything from Logan which was good. The last thing I needed was him and Henry go beating each other to a pulp again.

I need to forget about that though and focus on my birthday because apparently I 'needed' an entire new wardrobe when my birthday comes.

Natalie may be a great friend but when it comes to fashion I have no choice of my own and she basically becomes a dictator. What fun.


Natalie kept having to pull me along to all the stores of the local mall and since it was Saturday and there were no camp activities really, that meant a entire day of torture.

I have lost count of how many clothes I have tried on so far and I was getting tired from all the stores we have walked into.

Just when she was talking aimlessly about which skirt would look better on her, I noticed,through the glass windows, Henry come out of one of the stores.

What exactly was he doing here? I even asked him to come with us but he said he wanted to stay at camp with some of his friends. Finding him at the mall by himself now was just strange and made me start to wonder. Until Natalie pulled me into another dressing room to try on more clothes.


Henry's POV:

Isabelle's birthday was coming up soon and I wanted to get something extra special for her. Now that most of the drama in our lives is gone I feel that I don't have to worry about it anymore. And knowing that she told me about all what she has been through in her life, and all I have been through in mine, has already made me realize that she trusted me enough to tell me and I trusted her in return, makes me want to make the occasion even more special for her.

She wanted me to go to the mall with her and Natalie but if I tried to get her a gift with her there with me it would be too obvious. I didn't want to lie to her but I had to find her a gift without her with me, I also knew that going to the same mall she was going to on the same day would be kinda reckless too but if I went without her she would suspect something and I wanted her to be surprised when I gave her my gift.

I managed to evade Isabelle most of the day without her noticing me, while managing to get her what I thought would be the perfect birthday gift for her.

I was able to get back to camp before the girls did while I wrapped and hid her gift until her party tomorrow night. I just hope she likes what I got her.


The next night: The Party


Isabelle's POV:

My birthday was finally here! I am now officially 17 years old! The day has been better than perfect so far and Natalie hasn't mentioned anything about my so called 'party', so maybe she just dropped it like I asked but knowing her she just has something else planned.

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