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11 weeks pregnant

Today, Ross and I are going out to eat at a nearby pizzeria for a little date. I chose a tight purple dress that shows my bump clearly because, I mean, what do I have to hide? I know people are going to stare but whatever, I need to get get used to it at some point. Ross is wearing a handsome shirt and formal jeans.

"Hayley babe, are you ready?" Ross shouts from the kitchen
"Yeah, I'm just coming" I shout back just finishing my lipstick.

Finally we drive to the pizzeria.

"Hi, I booked a table for two under the name Lynch." Ross says to the lady at the counter

"Right this way." She says guiding us to our table.
"Can I get you any drinks?" She asks politely
"Yeah, I'll have a Diet Coke please." I respond
"And I'll have the same please" Ross says
"Brilliant, your drinks will be right with you." She says cheerfully and walks away.
"So, apart from the puking, I don't think that you've had much morning sickness have you?" Ross asks
"Yeah, I'm surprised actually considering there a two in here." I say giggling.
"Yeah, your belly's growing so quickly!" He exclaims
"I know right, it's crazy!" I say and then we laugh together.
"Here are your drinks" the lady says coming back.
"Thank you!" We say in unison causing us all to laugh.
"Would you like to know the specials today?" The lady asks
"Yes please" Ross says patting his stomach
"Hey, I'm the one that's meant to be hungry!" I jokingly tease
"Oh how wonderful, are you expecting?" The lady asks us
"Yes, two actually" I reply
"Well I wish you good luck, I had two of my own aswell." She laughs.

Ross and I choose our food and soon enough the food arrives. I've got a Caesar salad and Ross has BBQ pork ribs.
Just as Ross and I were talking happily, Ross goes white.

"Ross, what's wrong?" I ask really concerned
"Hayley, don't panic, but.... Our families just came in the restaurant." He managed to say, gulping harshly
"Oh my god..." Whisper just loud enough for Ross to hear.
"Wait, what are we doing? It shouldn't matter, we already have made our decision on our babies and they're not stopping us." Ross says confidently.
"You know what, your right Ross, let's just continue our meal, and if they see us then so be it." I say as we lean across the table and kiss.
"Crap. They're going to the table opposite us." He says
"Damn it." I whisper
"At least they can't see your stomach because you've tucked your chair in under the table." He reassures me

Ross and I keep pretending to have a normal conversation, but we're actually listening in to our families conversation. They're not really talking about us or anything but I do notice that the Lynch children, Ellington and my brothers look like they haven't had a lot of sleep over the past few weeks. Strange.
Suddenly Ross and I jerk our heads in the direction of their long table when we hear Rydel gasp.

"Bum" I whisper
"They've seen us." Ross whispers back
"Hayley? Ross?" Rydel manages to choke out

Ross, being Ross tries to play it out cool.

"Oh heyyyy! Didn't see you there!" Ross says
"Omg omg omg omg omg!!!" Rydel says getting up and walking over to us and hugging Ross and waving to me as I wave back.
"Hayley?!" Jamie says with his mouth hanging open
"JJ!" I squeal

I quickly put my baggy jumper on so my belly isn't visible when you look at me. Then I stand up and hug Jamie making sure he doesn't squeeze me too hard on my belly. Marcus just smiles at me from his seat as Rydel continuously hugs Ross.
Suddenly one of the parents makes a fake coughing sound to get our attention.
"Jamie, please sit back down." My mother says
"Same with you Rydel." Stormie says
"So are you ready to move back in with us yet?" My mother says to me as Stormie gives Ross the 'same with you' look to him.
"What? No! Of course not! I don't to want to anyways." I argue
"So you're implying you're still pregnant?!" Mum speaks in a stern and angry voice.

Ross comes up to me and helps me take my jumper off. And once you can see my belly, we hear the parents gasp.
"How far along are you? Stormie says shocked
"20 weeks or something?!" My Mum say in a shocked and angry voice.
"Actually no." Ross butts in
"11 weeks pregnant with two beautiful twins that are perfectly healthy and will sadly have to have you as grandparents even though they'll probably never see you." Ross simple tells our parents.
"i WILL see my grandbabies! Stormie, Mark and my mum and dad butt in.
"Not at this rate, not ever." I say simply but with a stern voice.
"Don't say that to your parents young lady." My dad says angrily
"Stormie, Mark, mum, dad, you're all nothing to us." I spit at them.
"C'mon Hayley babe, let's get our family away from these peasants." Ross says spitting at them too.

Ross pays the lady as we leave and we don't bother looking back at them, we just head home for a good night sleep.

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