Run away

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Hayley's POV
Panting for running so far, I finally reach the tree we always meet at. I get my breath back and sit down to rest. I wait about 5 to 10 minutes before I see a running and exhausted looking Ross heading my way.
"Hey..." I say to him
"Hey...." He replys sitting down next to me
"How are my babies doing?" He quietly asks
"We're sad." I say
"How did your parents react?" He asks me softly
"They kicked me out and said I can come back when I've aborted it..." I respond
"What about yours?" I question back
"Pretty much exactly the same..."
I start to whimper and Ross hugs me comfortingly
"We're going to get through this, I promise." He says to me
"But where are we going to live and how will we get money and what do do you want to do about the baby?" I panic
"Calm down, it's okay babe. I'm not going to lie but I think there's an abandoned house somewhere in this woods, it's not creepy though. I'll get a job to support us and maybe the baby depending on what you want, and personally I'd quite like to keep the baby. You?" He responds in a calm tone
"Yeah, I think I want to keep our baby. I'm never forgiving my parents though, well.... Maybe in a few years but it'll take a while." I warn him
"Same here" he agrees

Ross helps me stand up and he guides me the way to which he thinks the house is. He's 100% sure nobody lives there which is helpful to us. We could definatley need that house.
About 15 minutes later, we come across the house he was talking about. It looks really cozy and surprisingly not worn down.
We slowly approach the house and see if the door is locked, I'm very surprised when it opens, you have to push it quite a bit but it does. We step inside and I gasp, Ross just smiles in amazement .
"All the furnitures still here!" I gasp in amazement
"Can we keep it?" He pleades like a little kid
"Haha of course!" I squeal
We were so happy we had somewhere to live!

Hey guys! Hope this is okay! More to come and it'll be a lot more exciting!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love you all!
Maddi xoxo

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