four: im writing bc the water is taking too long to boil

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i dont want to hear the bs about what you like about me because
one) that could be found in anybody-- i mean really:
and two) its supposed to be about us and the companionship and the connection—not about each other because whats the point then. i mean you could say jennifer lawrence is kind and funny and smart and pretty from watching her, but theres no personal relationship. thats not the case for us, wouldnt you agree?


the two rows of tiles - dots really - dividing the road into oncoming traffic and that other side i dont know the name of. my natural instinct is to see them form diagonal parallels, but instead I figured: why not try to see horizontal? so i did. its quite a challenge and i havent had great success where I can automatically see the horizontal lines stacked on top of each other. i might get it someday. might.
hmm, my biggest flaw? not being a hypocrite. quite honestly, its just a fact that everyone is a hypocrite in some aspect. not knowing when to give up. what a strength, but disaster yet to occur. giving up on people is definitely a challenge... and reflection only helps highlight all the flags, the red ones especially, i ignored when i chose to look at the birds, and dang what the relationship (friendships included) couldve been.
but possibly my greatest strength? standards? perhaps there is one flaw to my greatest flaw, the one red flag that will definitely convince me to bring the story to an end: a liar. a liar certainly isnt one to keep trying to build something with.
in some sense, my eyes did lie in feeding me diagonal shapes when the dots did, in fact, form horizontal shapes. is giving up the answer?


all the points im going to make regarding you will be invalid because i understand, but that doesnt make it any easier. maybe its time for you to understand that.


the water is taking too long to boil. partly because i used too much water for too less noodles. and suddenly that is a metaphor for us: did i pour too much of myself into this for something to happen that never would because i watched and waited it? or did it just need more time to sit and heat up? the answer is both. is there just not enough of you to balance the you to me ratio? could there have been more because too much is better than not enough? the answer is both.

why does it have to be both hmm.

a/n: I wrote this earlier as a thought first, then right before I went to sleep because I didn't want to forget it, then decided to publish it because the water was taking too long to boil. Quite literally because I was watching the pot of water boil for the noodles, and it was taking too long.
Sorry for messing up the cooking steps because I know they're not right and jumbled and sorry for the horrible capitalization and missing apostrophes. It needed to be open and raw and honest. Maybe this'll make up for it.
Double a/n: this person is also irrelevant I just feel like getting this out thanks

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