When Daddy's Away

Depuis le début

"Mum," he whined again.

"No, now." Karen patted his shoulder. "I just want you to know I love you. No matter what."

Liam can't believe he'd just accidentally come out to his mom. He'd maybe been hoping that she wouldn't have noticed the decisive lack of a female voice, but it's just like Karen to catch it. Liam would be embarrassed, but he was too busy being relieved. "Thanks, Mum," was all he said before sitting down at the kitchen table and running a hand through his hair. "What was it you wanted, um, before?"

Karen put a finger up. "Oh yes, don't forget you're visiting your father today at the university. He wants you to sit in on his Saturday class to get a feel for it."

"Right, shit, I-"

"Language, Liam James," Karen warned.

"Sorry. I forgot. I'll get ready."

"I've got breakfast," Karen reminded him.

"Right, I'll get ready after." Liam smiled wide.

Karen just hummed and smiled down at Liam's smile and curly hair.


Liam was late for a class he wasn't even taking. He sneaked in as quietly as he could to sit near the back and just watched as his dad walked back and forth across the room bolting out facts about finance and stocks and fiscal years.

"Hey," he heard from next to him.

Liam looked over to see a sharp-jawed, scruffy, dark-haired boy...man?...that reminded him painfully of the one from the video he was watching earlier. As if his cock had learned muscle memory, it perked up at the recognition. He shifted in his seat, under the delighted smirk of the guy that greeted him with a whisper just ten seconds ago. Or maybe it had been longer by now, because Liam was staring, openly, and had to shake himself to look away when the smirk grew into a smile.

"Hi," he finally answered.

The boy scooted over a seat, so he was sitting right next to Liam, and slid his laptop over, too. "Are you new? I've never seen you in here before."

"Oh, no. I, uh- my dad..." What the hell was wrong with him? He never had any trouble conversing with the male species before today, even the ones that were heart-shatteringly gorgeous. But then again he'd never watched a man have sex with another man before today. "My dad's class, I mean. That's my dad." He pointed down the long steps to the floor where his dad was still motioning the importance of investment.

"Oh, Mr. Payne's your pops? That's cool," the suave, older boy acknowledged. "So, you're not in Uni then?"

"Oh, no. Not yet. I graduate this spring." Liam tried to make himself sound older with just that one sentence.

"So, um, how old are you. If you don't mind me asking."

"That's fine. I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen in August."

"Just a couple months," the boy noted offhandedly.

"Yeah, I can't wait," Liam admitted. "I just want to move to Uni and be free of my parents, you know? Not that they're not great," Liam urged.

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