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B-12 is very beneficial for your body and should be consumed especially if you switched to a vegetarian diet. Want to know how important it is? Well listen to this story. I happen to know a lady that really loved food. She loved food so much she would get up and eat at any hour of the night when someone from the family brought food. But there was one thing she did not know that she should consume. Can you guess what this thing is? So appently this thing was very important but she had no clue about it until one day she realized her feet went dead and so she would fall sometimes. And she slowly got paralized. This was because she had B-12 difficiency. You don't want that happening to you now do you? Well just for you, here are foods that you can get B-12 from:

1. Fortified Soy Milk
2. B-Complex
3. Cruciferous vegetables(vegetables from the cabbage family)
4. Sea vegetables (such as seaweed)

A talk with HairClinic11
These should help you and they are healthy alternatives if you don't want to eat meat. I just I would warn you that this is something you NEED to consume as a vegetarian or vegan. I cannot stress how important B-12 is. You can research it further if you please and I would strongly recommend that you do for your safety.
By: HairClinic11

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