Blending For the Soul

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I love juicing and blending. I hope you do too. I love it so
much because I have a problem getting vegetables I do not like pass my throat. If I do not like spinach I just make a green smoothie and that way I don't taste the spinach. So if you just started this "Healthy Road Trip" then being able to not taste things you do not like is good. If you have a VitaMix then that would be good but if you don't then you don't need one. Anyway, if you like ice cream did you know that you can do vegetarian ice cream and feel guilt free? Because it is vegetarian you can eat it without feeling like you did something wrong. But remember that just because you feel guilt free do not eat too much of the good stuff. Too much of the good stuff is bad for you. I like vegetables except I do not like spinach so I make a smoothie and that way I cannot taste the spinach. It works well for me so try it. Experimenting is good although I have hurt my tastebuds a couple times all in the name of experimenting. But I have also found things that I love to this day that I love. I will not say it won't hurt to try new things because some things will make you want to gag. But there's also good stuff that you may like so it might hurt but there is a likely chance it will not hurt to try new foods. We are talking about healthy foods. Just making sure we are on the same page. I am sure what ever you like you can make a healthy version of it. And oh my goodness some things like soup can be made with a blender. I think this is wonderful don't you?
So now you can use a blender and make a meal. How cool. I have had raw food quite a number of times and it was delicious. And when you eat raw food you are not losing the nutrients because it is raw. That is something else you could experiment with too.
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Hope you enjoyed " Blending For the Soul." I really want you guys to try one raw food meal because it will surprise you how good it is. So go ahead and try it. It is good to try new things. It is better to take a risk because there is a good chance that you will like what you are experimenting with. Have a healthy and happy day.

THE HEALTHY ROAD TRIP | Watty's 2018Where stories live. Discover now