"Hey you're okay. You can take your time. I'll always be here for you. Don't worry about it. If it's making you this upset, you don't have to tell me, it's fine." I rubbed her back in circles and wiped the tears away with my other hand.

The bus came to a halt at the same time, making the girls find another distraction besides what was happening currently.

"Hey, I'm going to leave you here, not because I don't care, but because I don't want the public to photograph you like this. Is that okay?" I said soothingly giving her a side hug.

She nodded yes and gave me a weak smile which I returned more confidently. I wasn't confident at all. I was literally so terrified of what had shaken her up to the point where she would start to cry. It obviously wasn't something good. But I didn't want her to suffer any longer and even if my curiosity radar is at its highest, I had to do what I think is best for not only me, but for the rest. As a manager that is how I had to think now.

Walking into the entertainment building, the girls had to be on a show today. I went up to the host giving them a list specifically on what not to ask and was appropriate. They agreed kindly and shook my hand introducing themselves, making small chat. I mean I was definitely freaking out internally because I had just met and had a normal conversation with Ellen Degeneres, but I also kept my cool.

All through the interview the girls would sneak glances my way and I would give them a thumbs up as a sign of their good job.

My stomach hurt from all the laughter I had endured in such little time, but now the chitchat had come to an end and the girls were ready to perform and leave. I watched amazed as usual as they did an outstanding job getting the crowd pumped and singing along.

The show came to an end, like all good things, and we were now exiting the building. Today was short, yet tiring in a way. Having to go through crowds of screaming was still something new to me, but the girls seemed so unfazed by it. I was subconsciously dreading coming back to the bus due to the fact that my upset best friend was in so much emotional distress and I felt so helpless.

Walking in, she was on the seat I left her on, this time laying down with music blasting from her headphones. I immediately recognized the song, "Gasoline" by Halsey. I saw Normani give me a sympathetic, yet encouraging smile which I returned.

"Alright, you guys are off the rest of the day now."

"Wait, really?" Lauren said taken aback.

"Yes ma'am." I smiled back at her.

She gave me a toothy smile and pulled out her laptop. Goodness, did she carry that device with her everywhere? Such blogging passion.

I saw Chrissy open her eyes momentarily and just as immediately close them. I sighed and sat further down in the bus. I knew her and she was not in the mood to talk or be acquainted with at the moment. Dinah and Ally were chatting now while Normani was taking pictures of Camila from her phone.

"You should probably hop on that problem ASAP. As an artist, I'm telling you that it's hard to keep your crap going if something is bothering you as much as it's bothering her." Dinah said breaking me out of my trance.

"Yeah." I said looking down at my hands now.

"Don't worry. Yall will work it out." Ally said with a hopeful smile, giving me a side hug that I gladly returned.

I smiled and heard my phone vibrate from the shelf beside me. I picked it up and saw an anonymous text: All management agents, new or old, recommended to come to tonight's show. Special Edition featuring spills.

I made a sour face. That didn't sound inviting in anyway, actually like a recipe for disaster all over. Ally read over my shoulder as I did so.

"You should go. Our last manager went and it seemed to go fine." she said encouraging. "Like it's honestly really nice. And I think you could use the distraction with everything happening now."

I sighed and looked over Chrissy's way. Still eyes closed in clear disturbance.

"I'll think about it."

We came to another halt, indicating we had made it to the hotel. We all exited the bus and there was a finally a clear walking, although that yelling was present. We took the elevator and went up to our floor. The elevator dinged and we all stepped out. I saw Will on his way to my room room, but he stopped and turned around to meet us. There was a hint of something in his eyes but I had no idea what it was, and honestly I was already preoccupied with Chrissy's feelings and she had assured me he was okay, so I just chose to ignore it. She walked past him and didn't even acknowledge him. I was bewildered at this new attitude she had developed. I stopped and the girls walked past me. Dinah went by and winked at me behind him. I rolled my eyes playfully with a smirk.

"Hey babe." I had to get on my toes to reach and kiss him.

"Hey." he returned the kiss dazed.

I frowned, and he seemed confused.

"Is.. everything okay?" I asked now concerned about all this distant attitude.

"How are you?" he said with clear worry displayed in his voice.

"I'm fine.." I was puzzled at the sudden question. "Should I ask why you're asking? Or better yet, the right question is, why are yall acting so weird and difficult?"

He looked away.

"No. Look me in the face." I said using my to gently make him have eye contact with me."What is going on?"

"Chrissy and I kissed."

My temperature dropped, my head started spinning.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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