"Who was it?" He asked.

"Liam." I answered.

"What did he want?" Louis asked.

"He told me I was in charge of making desserts for Niall's birthday party next week."

"BIRTHDAY? PARTY?" Louis exclaimed.

I chuckled, "Yeah I forgot too." 

"What are you going to get him?" He questioned.

"That's a good question, I'm not sure." I whispered.

He chuckled, "Neither am I..." Louis said grabbing the remote.

"Well tomorrow we can go to the mall or something?" I suggested.

"Sounds good!" Louis said unpausing the movie. 

We continued watching the movie until Louis wouldn't stop moving. He first started to move alot towards the end of the movie. He just kept shifting and wouldn't stop and it was quite annoying. Every five seconds I heard him shifting once again.

"Louis?" I asked.

He stopped moving and looked up at me. 

"Why do you keep moving so much?" I ask.

"I'm cold." He pouted.

Sighing I scooted over to him, I grabbed him and put him on my lap. I put my hands on both of his arms and rubbed up and down trying to get heat to spread around his body. I do that to myself when I'm cold; just rub my arms to get the heat back in me. Maybe if I did it to Louis he would be warm.

He leaned back into me and rested his head on my chest. After rubbing his arms for a while he said,

"Haz, you can stop rubbing my arms, you are already really warm." 

I blushed but didn't answer him although I did stop rubbing his arms. He turned around to look at my face, darn it, he probably saw my blush.

"Hey I never said it was a bad thing. Your body is just naturally really warm, I don't need you rubbing my arms." He said smiling. 

I smiled back and wrapped my arms around his waist trying to get back to the movie. Eventually Louis began to play with my hands that were resting on his tummy. After a few minutes of him playing with my fingers, I hear him chuckle lightly.

I couldn't help but laugh with him, "What?" I asked.

He grabbed one of my hands and held it up in front of him, "You have big hands." He said.

I laughed as he put up his palm up to my palm to compare the size of his hand to my hand. It really was bigger compared to his and I couldn't help but chuckle again. 

"Sorry." I mumbled.

He smiled back at me and before I put my hand back down he put his fingers in between my fingers and put our hands back on his tummy. Smiling to myself, we watched the rest of Tangled, holding hands. 

Soon the movie was over, I had to admit I really liked that movie. I was making fun of Louis for picking a little kid movie, but it was actually really enjoyable and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I don't know if I'd admit that to Louis though, he wouldn't let it go if I did. 

I thought Louis fell asleep during the movie but I guess not considering he began to stretch on my lap. I was going to say something when I got interuppted by thunder. He jumped from the sudden noise and I chuckled while I tightened my arms around him. 

"It's okay Boo just thunder." I reassured.

He smiled and turned around in my lap. He was straddling my waist as I leaned against the couch. He began to play with my fingers once again. Every once in a while I would feel his fingertips brush against my finger, my palm, or my wrist. 

Skinny Love - Larry StylinsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz