I didn't know then!

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Okay so I'm not good with writing people's thoughts. And I don't really know how to write long blocks of dialogue so sorry if I'm breaking any grammar rules. This is kind of a Calzona spin on a Rosschel (Ross and Rachel from FRIENDS) reunion. Some quotes directly taken. I don't own the FRIENDS quotes or story

I didn't know then!

"Come on you'll love her!" April exclaimed looking at Arizona. "I don't know April. I just...I don't know." Arizona said sighing and looking at the ground as they walked out the doors of the hospital. "Okay, if you don't want to Arizona you don't have to. I understand if you're not ready." April said looking at her friend sympathetically. April reached to hug Arizona but Arizona didn't reciprocate. She was too busy staring at the bench in front of the hospital. April looked in that direction to see what her friend was looking at and her mouth formed a long oval as she saw what her friend was staring at. There was Penny and Callie sitting on the bench kissing. And not a small kiss either. A long, passionate kiss. Arizona watched as the love of her life sunk deeply into a kiss with another woman. Arizona stared for a few more seconds until Callie pulled apart from the other woman. Fine she wants to move on? I can move on too. I can kiss other girls too.  Arizona thought. April watched as Arizona's face twisted through about 20 different facial expressions before she turned back to her and said.  "Set me up." April raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. "Arizona...if you're not ready..." She said hesitantly. "What? What? What are you talking about I'm fine! I'm ready! I'm cool. I am so cool! I am ice cold!" Arizona rambled her hands flying all over the place. "Okay...are you sure?" April asked looking at Arizona doubtfully. "I'm fine! Perfectly fine! Set it up!"

"So you're a doctor?" Arizona's date Marissa asked. "Hmm? What? Oh. Yeah. Yeah I am." Arizona said looking dazed. "Wow that's cool April told me that you're-" Before Marissa could finish her sentence Arizona interrupted to say. "I'm not the only one who's a surgeon though. My ex-wife is an ortho surgeon." Arizona sighed. "Wow...that's...neat." Marissa said hesitantly. "Oh and you know who else is a surgeon?" Arizona said talking at hyper speed. Marissa shrugged her shoulders looking at Arizona strangely. "Penny. Perfect, pretty Penny. My ex-wife's new girlfriend. She's like this perfect little redheaded resident who Callie likes to kiss right in front of the hospital. Just right in front of everyone! And not small kisses either! Like real deep kisses! You know what they need to do? They need to find someplace else to kiss. Or maybe not kiss at all. That would be nice. If they didn't kiss at all. That would be really, really nice." Arizona said draining her third glass of wine. "Is there anymore wine?" She asked. "Umm not at the table..." Marissa said slowly. Arizona started to raise her hand to call the waitress over for more wine but Marissa grabbed her hand and yanked it down. "Okay. So here's the thing. This Callie you're talking about? Your ex-wife? You seem to still be in love with her. Which begs the question...why are you out on this date with me?" She asked Arizona. "I told you. She's with-" Marissa cut her off. "Yeah perfect, pretty Penny. The redheaded resident. I know I know. But here's the thing. You either need to tell her how you feel or you need closure. I personally-" "CLOSURE!" Arizona screamed cutting Marissa off. "THAT'S WHAT I NEED! I need to get that! How do I get that?" Arizona said looking at Marissa and resting her head on her fist. "Well maybe you need to talk to her and just let her know how you feel maybe she'll-"                  "YES! I'LL TALK TO HER! THAT WILL WORK! I'LL CAAAALLLLL HERRRRR." Arizona slurred at the top of her lungs. "Well I don't know if you should-" Before she finished Arizona pulled out her cellphone and started to dial Callie's number. "CALLIE!" Arizona screamed into the phone. "And there you go." Marissa said giving up. "I just wanted to let you know that I am OVER you! I am OVER you! I am on a date with a lovely woman named Marissa. And she said that I had to call you to get over you so that is what I call closure!" Then she hung up her phone and threw it on the table. "Thank you." Arizona said to Marissa leaning back in her chair and putting her hands behind her head. "Yeah. Sure." Marissa said shortly and put her hand up to motion for the check.

Arizona was in the attending's lounge rubbing her head when Callie walked in. "Hey!" She said to Arizona. Then she took in the scene in front of her. Arizona rubbing her head and taking an ibuprofen. "Rough night last night?" Callie asked pulling her eyebrows together and cocking her head to the side. "Yeah...I had a date and it...it didn't really go that well..." She mumbled. "Oh...a date? Well...oh okay...it didn't go well?" She asked. "No. no it did not. Anyway, did you get my message about Sofia this morning?" Arizona asked. "No I was on call and got pulled into a really long surgery and left my phone with my things. I was actually just going to hang out here for a bit and then grab Sofia and go home. But now that you mention it I probably should check my voicemail. "Okay." Arizona said taking another sip of water. "Oh! I have two voicemails from you! I thought you said you called me once?" Callie asked clicking on one of the voicemails and starting to listen to it. "Whoa. You were loud." At that Arizona's eyes widened as she remembered what she had said. "No Callie stop. Don't listen to that voicemail!" She started to get up out of her seat and rush over to Callie when Callie dropped her phone on the couch and she stared up at Arizona her eyes wide. "You-you-" Callie stammered. "Oh no, oh no" Arizona said covering up her face. "You're over me? But-but when were you...under me?" Callie stammered. "Um...this whole time? I never really...um stopped....having feelings for you." She said looking down at the ground. "But...but you..." Then her phone started to ring and she saw who was calling. Penny was calling. The girl she was currently seeing was calling while her ex-wife was telling her she never stopped loving her. "I-I It's- Penny." Callie said holding up her phone. "Oh, are you...gonna answer it?" Arizona asked timidly. "Well I have to don't I? I mean she's my girlfriend. I-I have to go. I- can't handle this right now." Callie said getting up and walking quickly out the door.

"And she just walked out?" DeLuca asked. "Yeah...I don't...she..." Arizona stammered. Then they heard a knock on the door. Arizona got up and answered the door. Her mouth dropped open when she saw who was standing on the other side. It was Callie standing there. Staring at her. "I broke up with Penny." She stated staring straight into Arizona's eyes. "Oh-that's...interesting. Um...where's Sofia?" Arizona asked. "She's with a sitter. She's fine. But you know what's not fine? You know what's not interesting? You telling me you still have feelings for me! That wasn't fair! You had no right to do that! I was doing great with Penny before I found out about you!" Callie screamed.

"Well I was doing fine before I found out about you! You think it's easy for me to see       you with Penny?!"

.           "Well then you should have said something before I met her!"

"I didn't know then!" "

  "How come you never said anything to me?"

"There was never a good time!"

             "Right because you only had two years and we only saw each other every day!"

  "Not...every day. And it's not like I didn't try Callie! But things got in the way! Like-        like...blonde wackos, or brunette cops or redheaded residents!"

"What I wasn't supposed to date anyone?!"

"Do you even have a point?"

"The point is...I don't need this right now! I was happy! I was with somebody else and I was happy! This ship has sailed!"

"So what are you saying you just put away feelings or whatever it was that you felt for me?"

"I've been doing it for almost two years. I've gotten pretty damn good at it!"

"Alright you go ahead and you do that alright Callie? Cause I don't need your stupid ship!"

Callie stormed out of Arizona's house and Arizona slammed and locked the door behind her. Then she went to go sit down on the couch. But before she got there she heard a small knock on the door. She got up to answer it and there was Callie still standing there looking directly into Arizona's eyes. Before Arizona even got a chance to say anything Callie grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards herself smashing her lips up against Arizona's. Arizona hesitated at first startled by Callie's sudden movements but she quickly sank into it. Her tongue rose up to meet Callie's and everything around them went black. Every sight, sound, smell disappeared and all that existed in that very moment was Callie's lips on hers. Her soft, soft pink lips colliding with hers. As they were kissing she started to think.  How did she go almost two years without this feeling? Without these perfect, perfect lips that she could now taste on hers. How could she ever think that any woman out there could possibly compare to this? Or even come close to being better than this? So there they stood, devouring each other's lips neither wanting to ever come up for air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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