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Hi welcome to my little book I guess. I'm just here to have an online journal and share my experiences.

So lets begin.


2nd grade.

The only thing that stands out is the death of my 14 year old sister in was in 2011 one of the worst days of my life. I remember getting out of the shower when my mom told me she had passed away because her transplant didn't work. She was in the hospital for amune system failure and cancer and such. Me at such a young age thinking things would be a-okay I was wrong. Oh and lets not even mention the continuous days of me crying and having to leave school.

Life was shit.

Due to private things I have to delete this part


This is when shit went downhill.

All of these terrible things I did and went through I had bottled up.

My bottle exploited.

I had and still do have this called MDD which stands for Major Depressive Disorder on top of that I had anxiety, OCD, ADD, suicidal thoughts, I cut myself, an eating disorder, etc..

Oh and did I mention. I basically got a whole new crowd of friends 2 people (because of their rights I'm not going to say names) and god I loved one of them cause I'm kinda gay lol. And we ended up loving each other and going on dates and such we went to the movies went shopping and all kinds of stuff she was my one and only.

Until both of our parents found out we hurt ourselves and shit.

My mom took me to a shitty family consular who didn't know shit about what I was going through and I hated her. I lied to her all the time. I didn't tell her shit cause I didn't trust her. How would I?

Finally after 3 months my father caught on and found me a new therapist who specialized in self-injury and depression I'm still seeing her to this day. She is one of my closet friends ever shes like the only one I can really trust.

One of the girls and I's parents didn't trust us around each other after an incident she had been hospitalized but Ive been hospitalized 4 times so Im not one to judge which I would never do anyways.

She ended up leaving me and pushing me away until I was finally out of her life.

She moved away.


The other girl had stepped out of my life and started hanging out with One of my old friends and still does to this day.

I haven't seen the other girl in months.

Last time I saw her I made a huge fool of myself and broke down into tears. No one understood no one knew our relationship it was so hard and I couldn't have been so mad at myself.

I just got out of hospitalization on 1/1/16 I had started on 12/20/15. Yes I spent Christmas in a hospital. Yay.

Well that's it for tonight vote for more goodbye.

My Story ; Rant book // Corbi Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt