Sweep Me off My Feet

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I wonder if this is because of that other dude, Brennan or whatever his name was. I sigh, deciding that I should check on her.

I messaged her a few times, to no avail, and then I decided to call her. She picked up on the third of fourth ring, finally.

"Hey?" She questioned softly, and she sounded hoarse and stuffy, the humans typically do when they've been crying.

"Hey, I saw your pesterchum mood...I suspected that there's a 70% chance something was wrong, so I decided to call." I respond to her unspoken question, knowing it was the one she was gonna ask.

"Oh...I'm okay." She says, sniffling, and I detect the false words almost immediately.

"Let's try a different route, cupcake. What happened?" I asked, leaning back onto the couch, and I hear her sigh over the line.

"I saw Brandon with another girl while I was out for a run this evening..." she mumbled, sniffling a little more.

"And this is relevant, how, exactly?" I ask, not truly understanding.

"He told me he would take some time to think about us, and get back  to me, but never did." She says, and I can hear her voice crack over the line.

"I see, so another douchebag hit the road and left a perfectly good female like yourself broken hearted, again." I say, placing my hands behind my head as a cushion against the hard armrest, and she sighs again.

"Yeah, I sure do know how to pick 'em, don't I?" I frown slightly at this, sitting up on the couch again.

"Remember the golden ratio? Remember that whole conversation? From the data I have on you, about you, and from personal experience, there isn't a damn thing wrong with you. It's not like you are mentally unstable or have a weird disease. You're perfectly normal-"

"Am I plain, Hal?"

The question strikes me off guard, and I need a moment to answer.

"How ever suggested you were?" I ask back, and she laughs, half-heartedly.

"Me, I guess. I feel pretty Jane-Doe or Mary-Sue right now, Hal. This chick was a piece of work from Van Gogh himself." She says, and I sigh, standing up from the couch.

"I never thought you were ordinary, or plain, or whatever synonym you want to use there. You're a special breed of human, ________. You know how long it took for the rest of Dirk's friends to get used to me? Jake and Roxy are still struggling. You, however, were immediately able to tell me from Dirk, despite having just met me. Sometimes the only way I think people tell me from Dirk is that I message them in red and under a different name. You have never failed to treat me like an independent entity from Dirk, and you probably also have no idea how thankful both Dirk and I are. Your appearance my not set you apart from everyone else, but your heart, smarts, and brain certainly does, and Dirk will agree."

"I don't know about all that, Hal. I'm not all that special..." she said, mumbling softly, and her words made me ache a little.

"Let me make you feel special." I said, the words leaving my mouth before I could process they were being spoken, and I freeze, suddenly anxious for her answer.

"What?" She asked, and I relaxed a little. I was thankful it wasn't 'no'.

"I'm dead serious. Let me show you how special you are. Let me show you what sets you apart from everyone else. I can sit here all night and tell you all about it, but that would be pointless. I have already determined that you are a visual learner, and you would need to see what sets you apart. I can show you, factually, what makes you different from the average human." I said, and I hear her take a deep breath.

"It's a challenge then. Prove to me how I'm so special, then, Hal." She says, disbelieving I can do it.

"And if I manage to offer acceptable proof?" I ask, a smirk sliding across my lips, and she silences for a moment.

"If you manage to prove to me that I'm as special as you say, I'll get my act together and stop moping over this guy." She says, with finality, and I press her a little more.

"What's in it for me here, ________?" and she silences herself again.

"I don't know, what would you want that I have to offer?" She asks, and I think it over.

"How about a day?" I suggest.

"A day?"

"One day of this week out of  your schedule." I explain, and I sense her confusion from the other end of the line.

"Okay, but what for?" She asks, and I smirk softly.

"You'll find out in time. Anyway, be over at Dirk's tomorrow afternoon for 2, and be prepared to offer up a day of your life to me." I say, laying back on the couch.

"You're on, Hal!" She says quickly before hanging up. I laugh softly to myself, before a small ding from pesterchum alerts me again. She changed her mood once again, it seems.



For You, I Would [Lil Hal x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ