Argo felt her cheeks warm under his perusal. Trying to shake her shyness she asked, "I heard your family is here, is that true?"

Ewan nodded, he expression turning serious his ice blues darkening. "Yes, are you up for meeting them?"

Argo nodded, straightening her shoulders and lifting her chin. "I'm good with meeting new people."


"What was I thinking? Good with people? Lie!"

Blinking dumbly at the group of people staring at her. It wasn't only the guard who'd she had met previously who carried handsome features. Apparently the women also carried with them a certain beauty.

Walking into the main room that was filled with chatter, I felt my stomach tremble in nervousness.

Holding my smile, I tightened my hold on Ewans arm, he sent me a look before he continued walking forward.

I followed along but my feet felt like cement. A women stood up, she wore a black and gold tartan wrapped around her it was hooked into place by brooch. Her dress was a pretty deep gold. Her eyes were a darker version of Ewans.

She stepped forward a smile on her gently aged face, "You're the lass whose taken my poor boys heart." She took my hand in hers, placing a hand on my cheek. A mischievous look coming to her eyes, "Are you going to take good care of my lil'one?"

Feeling the warmth coming from her, I couldn't help feel my stiff smile relaxing. "I-I'll try." I glanced up at Ewan whose brow furrowed at his mothers words.

"I don't think I need to be taken care of like a lil' boy. S'truth I think your the one needing caring." Despite the annoyance in Ewan's voice, I could hear the warmth there.

His mother laughed aloud slapping a hand on his shoulder. "And who's going the do that. Surely, your not speaking about Joseph."

"Mother your laughter makes it all the more true." A calm voice spoke, catching my attention. A tall woman with curling dark brown hair walked towards us. Her grey eyes sparkled with amusement. She stopped in front of use her green gown hugged her body. She put out her hand, "I'm the lesser known McKillan. Heather, his sister."

I took her hand, "A pleasure." Giving it a firm shake I let my hand fall to my side.

"I should say it's mine, you're actually taking this hard headed geek off our hands." The musical quality to Heather's voice only made me smile more.

"haha, I wonder. I think my family is happy giving me away." As I thought they laughed at my humor, but on the inside I knew it to be true. Before we could continue talking, my father called us over.

Soon we were going from person to person saying greetings, and welcoming them to our wedding.

"I have to say daughter you look beautiful." Turning away from one of the maids, who'd asked for advice about one of the dishes. Which had pulled me away from Ewan side, I now turned to face my father.

He was dashing in his dark brown suit, and the golden fob watch that hung from his pocket, made him look every inch the Bellamy Alpha.

"Thank you." I said, quietly. Brushing a self-conscious hand down the front. "I didn't get a chance to actually pick it. I had originally assumed mother would pick a sack."

Father let out a short chuckle. "Well I wasn't sure you'd still go through with the wedding when you learned Ewan had ulterior motives."

Feigning ignorance, I met my fathers amused gaze. "Ulterior motives?"

"I know my wife, Argo." Her father rolled his eyes, "She's heavily invested in this match not happening."

"So those papers I received after school were from her." I wasn't that surprised, honestly that type of action was typical of my mother. I'd told Ewan she'd eagerly told me, but honestly she'd merely left an envelope on my bed.

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