How to Keep Your Alpha Happy

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, I had too."

"Did not." Stiles sighed. "Whatever. I'd end up showing him anyways. Probably before you."

"You wouldn't dare." Scott shot back.

Stiles smirked "Try me."

"He already showed me." Allison laughed.

"Seriously!?" Scott yelled.

"Will you guys shut the hell up?" I snapped.

"What's your problem?" Stiles asked setting his laptop on the floor in front of him.

"You're seriously so annoying." I groaned getting up from my spot.

"Are you on your period?" Stiles yelled making me growl. He chuckled. "Is it the cramps? Are they that bad?"


"Don't worry Der, we'll go get you some chocolate to soothe that craving of yours." He said closing his laptop and getting up. "I'll make sure to grab the Tampons for and extra heavy flow too. Looks like you need it." He smirked walking past me.

I pushed him against the wall. "Why?"

"I'm just trying to help." He almost sounded genuine. Almost.

"Do you have a death wish?"

"No, not at the moment. Although, getting ripped apart by you in a different way doesn't sound too bad." He winked.

I closed my eyes, let out a deep breathe, and dropped him back to the ground.

"You know you want to." He whispered.

"I'm going to fucking kill you."

"Yeah, sure." He said pecking my cheek and strolling into the kitchen.


Stiles left his laptop and phone discarded on the floor deciding it was time for a movie. The pack hadn't said much since earlier but hummed in agreement when Stiles brought up this topic. He pushed me into the kitchen to help with snacks as the others fought over what movie to watch.

I started pulling some bowls from the cupboard when I felt Stiles bite my shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Biting you." He said finding a spot further down my arm to attach himself.

"Stop. It. Now."

"No." He smirked grabbing onto my hand and biting it.


He shrugged with a small huff and turned to pull the first bag of popcorn out of the microwave.


During the movie Stiles decided to squish himself up next to me as close as he possibly could get. He was basically in my lap by the end of it. He stared at me while Jackson switched the movies fighting with Isaac about what to watch next.

"What?" I groaned pushing him away. He smiled and moved back grabbing onto my hand. "No." I pulled my hand away just for him to replace it. "Oh my god." I sighed. He continued staring not saying a word, a small fond smile plastering his face. "What. Do. You. Want?"

He shrugged pressing a kiss to my cheek and resting his head on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes as Jackson and Isaac finally stopped arguing. The movie hit the title screen when Stiles threw his legs over mine and plopped a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

"Stiles." He looked up at me. "Get off me." He snorted grabbing a piece of popcorn and shoving in my face. He raised his eyebrows pushing it against my lips until I ate it. "You're a fucking pain." I groaned seeing him smile and grab a piece for himself. By the end of the movie Stiles was asleep, the bowl of popcorn basically spilling over on both of us.

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