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(Shannon's POV)

"Can we go to Tri City?"

"Sure why?"

"I'm just you know... Meeting up with an old friend. We're meeting at Hot Topic," I say.

"Ok, that's cool with me!" Alex replies.

We get into her car, and we go on our way to Tri City, and I had to answer all the questions of my old 'friend' she had to ask.

We make it 11 minutes later, and she hops out by my side. She says she's only going there because she needs new skinnies, 00 gauge plugs, and hair dye.

"Riiiiiight, that's why you're asking me so many questions about Diego," I reply, as we walk into the food court. Alex was hungry, I replied that I was just really full, and passed on the substance. We make our way to the second floor where the cool stores are, including Hot Topic.

I see him. With his tramp.

I look at her with disgust.

She glares at me. I'm about to lash out. I feel it. Alex doesn't. Good, I don't need anyone holding me back from what I should have done twelve years ago.

Kick that slut's ass.

I walk up to her, anxiety kicking in. My heart is beating faster by the second, and I feel the tension in the air. So does Diego. He stands up and gets between us.

I don't let him. I start to see red. I push him out the way and pounce on this pansy ass bitch, trying to look like a bad ass. Look at me, and look at her, if you didn't know either of us as a person, chances are all fear will go my way.

Its not my fault I look like Imma stab a bitch who says something I don't like. I rip out strands of her hair and punch her chest, clawing at her neck, and smudging her makeup. Diego pulls me away from her and I spit in her face.

"You worthless piece of shit slut that cant even wear something decent without looking like you're trying to sell your body you dumb ass blonde bitch cunt trying to steal everything in my life that makes me happy and crush all my dreams you deserve to be beaten up! YOU FUCKIN BOY STEALER DAMN HOE I SWEAR TO GOD ILL KILL YOU, ILL FUCKIN KILL YOU IF YOU FUCK UP ONE MORE THING IN MY LIFE ILL FUCKIN DO IT BITCH! TRY ME! FUCKIN TRY ME!" I scream as I kick at her, her face in shock, and fear.

She starts to cry, and I feel myself drop to the floor. I don't waste any time. I crawl to my feet and pounce onto her again. Hitting her, slapping her, punching her in her gut, and pulling out more hair, as Diego wasn't fast enough to grab hold of me again. He pulls me off, and I black out.

(Diego's POV)

I get to a seat where we aren't just at Hot Topic, but outside it. I see a familiar body shape and see its Shannon, and an attractive girl is by her side. Shannon glares once she sees Makenly. Yeah, I feel the same Shannon, but she followed me when I walked away. I see her about to kick the shit out of Makenly, so I step in between the two. Shannon pushes me aside, and throws punches, and kicks, scratching Makenly and ripping out her hair. She doesn't stop. I immediately start pulling her off of Makenly, the girl that came with Shannon in shock.

I pull Shannon away from Makenly on the floor, not expecting what I would hear from her mouth, as I've never seen her so angry. She spits at Makenly.

"You worthless piece of shit slut that cant even wear something decent without looking like you're trying to sell your body you dumb ass blonde bitch cunt trying to steal everything in my life that makes me happy and crush all my dreams you deserve to be beaten up! YOU FUCKIN BOY STEALER DAMN HOE I SWEAR TO GOD ILL KILL YOU, ILL FUCKIN KILL YOU IF YOU FUCK UP ONE MORE THING IN MY LIFE ILL FUCKIN DO IT BITCH! TRY ME! FUCKIN TRY ME!" She screams, and kicks. She wriggles her way out of my grip and immediately runs and pounces on Makenly once more, kicking her, pulling out her hair, and punching her, slapping her. Everything. Makenly is crying, trying to fight back but is too stunned to, and probably in too much pain as well.

I pull her off a second time, and it looks like she isn't even herself anymore.

"Fuck you! FUCK YOU! How dare you fuckin show your face near me anywhere! I'll kick your ass worse than I just did, fuck you up worse than my LIFE IS! If I fuckin see your dick sucking face around me again! SLUT ASS BITCH, ILL FUCKIN DO IT, DAMN IT!"

She claws at the air, making gestures to choke Makenly.

"FUCKIN BIIIIIIIIITCH!" Shannon drawls out.

I get her outside after looks of concern from the strangers witnessing me carrying Shannon over my shoulder and her banging on my back wit her fists, kicking as well.

She's too light to carry. I wonder how the hell she knocked down Makenly. Well, all I care about right now is making sure that Shannon is ok.

She passes out in my arms I wait for her friend at hot topic after I set Shannon into the back seat, letting her sleep. She needs it.

"Hey, I'm Alex by the way, but uh," she looks around both sides of me," where's Trouble Maker?"

"Sleeping," I say.

"Ah. Well, we should get her home, huh?"

"No, she doesn't get along well with her family," I imply.

"Ok, then you wanna have a sleep over? My place?"

I nod.

"Do you have everything you were gonna buy?"

"Yeah," she replies, walking past me.

"Do you have a car?" She asks.

I nod.

"Yeah, why?"

"We could take yours. Well, you drive yours, you can follow me."

After a half hour of twists and turns and simple confusion, we finally made it to Alex's. She cleared pots and bowls off the counter, and I carried Shannon from my car to the couch, holding her to me bridal style. She hugs me and wraps her legs around me, pulling me onto the couch with her.

"Diego," she weakly says," I'm scared."

(Shannon's POV)

'No,' I whisper to Alex, as she walks closer to the edge. Her hair flows behind her from the strong winds, and she steps off the roof. She jumps. I didn't cause this. I'm being cornered by Diego now, and he's hugging me. I'm clinging to him.

'Diego,' I say,' I'm scared.'

He snuggles his head into my neck, holding me. He kisses me

My eyes snap open to see someone's face in my face. Its definitely not Diego. Its Alex. She's smiling, cupping my face. I see she is pulled to me by my arms, her legs on either side of me. Laying on top of me, she smiles and lays her head on my chest.

Where is Diego...?

I hear a clash of pots and pans, that didn't startle Alex.

Found him.

The kitchen. He better make good ass food, or else I'm not even thinking of touching food. Yeah, my stomach is craving the taste for food and since I didn't throw up that soup, I kind of feel better about myself. I'm eating.

Not enough to gain pounds, but enough to know I'm ok.

I close my eyes, and I feel something drape over me and Alex. Its a blanket. Diego smiles at me, and walks off. His smile faltered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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