"Babe, you look amazing. We have to go soon, it's 8:30."

"Okay, fine. I'll just wear this." I was wearing a gold sequined tank top, black jeans, and gold sparkly ankle boots. I quickly curl my hair and put on eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, blush, and red lipstick. I put on a gold cuff bracelet, gold triangle earrings, a gold heart key necklace, a lowercase 't' necklace, a cutout ring, an elephant ring, and a gold with black gem split ring.

I put on my leather jacket, and grab my black cross body purse to put my phone in.

Tobias grabs my hand and pulls me to him.

"Have I ever told you that you're exceptionally beautiful?" he says.

"Maybe once," I say and smile. My hands are on his shoulders and his arms are around my waist, keeping me close to him.

"Well, then you look exceptionally beautiful."

"Thanks, babe."

He leans me back and my arms go around his neck so I won't fall. I giggle as he kisses me gently, and then pulls me back up.

"We should go," I say.

"Okay, let's go."

He lets go of me and I jump on his back. He grabs my legs so he's giving me a piggyback ride.

"Ow," he says. "Your heel stabbed me."

I laugh. "Suck it up buttercup," I reply and kiss his cheek. He walks through the door and down the hallway, and we eventually make it down the stairs.

Tobias puts me down, and I thankfully land without rolling an ankle. That is a skill I have mastered over several years of wearing heels. Thank God.

Mom, Dad, and Evelyn are sitting on the couch watching the news. I grab Tobias's hand and clear my throat.

They all turn around, waiting for me to say something.

"Um, we have somewhere to be right now, and we probably won't be back until tomorrow. So, Happy New Year, and we'll see you tomorrow," I say and smile.

I grab my jacket and purse and head into the garage with Tobias.
𖠇 𖠇 𖠇

Midnight can't get here fast enough. I'm really tired on the inside, but on the outside, I'm as energetic as a puppy. Literally.

I am bouncing off the walls.

I'm dancing with Tobias, spinning around and swaying with the music

"Want a drink?" He yells over the loud music. Zeke and Uriah's playlist for tonight is called, 'Zeke and Uri's Best/Shittiest/Last Playlist of 2018". How original.

I am really sarcastic right now and I have no idea why.

"No, I'm good," I reply to Tobias.

8 minutes till 2019. I am almost falling asleep while standing up. Like a horse. I'm a horse. Nah, just kiddin, I'm still bouncing off the walls.

Tobias has to keep his arms around me so I don't go around wrecking havoc. I'm acting like a child. Why am I acting like a child?

2 minutes and we're all gathered around the TV. I'm sitting on the back of the couch and Tobias is right behind me, keeping me up right.

I lean the back of my head against his chest for a minute.

I open my eyes back up, and sit up so my head is no longer resting on Tobias's chest. I swing my legs over the back of the couch, managing to not kick anyone. My feet land on the ground, and I turn so I'm now facing the TV.

"10... 9... 8... 7..." we all yell out. "6... 5... 4..." I turn again so I can face Tobias. "3... 2... 1! Happy New Year!" I throw my arms around Tobias's neck, and press my lips to his. This is always my favorite part of New Years. I always need my Midnight Kiss.

We kiss for a minute until I have to pull away because I ran out of breath. I smile.

"Happy New Years," I say to Tobias.

"Happy New Years, babe." I kiss him again and smile again after.

"I have a gut feeling that 2019 with be the best year yet."

"Oh really?" he asks, wrapping his big arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

"Yep," I answer. "Something amazing is going to happen this year."

"Well I think so too."

I bite my lip and smile.

I sure hope this is a great year.
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait (again). Almost 90k on DH! Guys we're so close to 100k! That's truly amazing, and I'm so thankful.
Basketball is awesome, okay? It really is. My mom is coaching my team and she played high school and college basketball so... We've played 2 games and we won them both! ❥

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