Chapter 12- Part 2

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Michele faced the door to Erin’s holding cell and readied herself for what she might see. Morpheus must have flown into a rage and he was known to be extreme in his anger. Michele slowly pushed the door open.

The room was dark. The light from the hallway barely lit the first meter of tiled floor, but what she saw on that meter scared her more than she’d ever been scared before. Blood. Not human red, but the silvery blue of their blood. Panicking, Michele searched the walls for a light switch.

She held her breath as the lights flickered on. Michele wished she’d never ever turned the lights on.

“Erin!” she screamed.

He lay in a pool of blood that was growing by the second. Michele rushed over to him and fell to the ground beside his torn and ravaged body. She frantically checked his pulse; there was none. Michele stood slowly and surveyed the room: there was blood covering nearly every surface, small flecks of blood even found their way onto the ceiling light.

Michele took off her lab coat and draped it over Erin’s prone figure; blood quickly began to stain the white coat. Like spray paint on snow thought Michele. She faced the door and flicking off the light left the room.

“You will pay for taking my love from me Morpheus.” she vowed.

She ran down hallway back to the break room to tell Kyle about what she’d seen. Unwanted tears fell from her eyes and she angrily whipped them away. Now was not the time for crying- it was the time for revenge. As Michele passed the darkened control room she noticed people moving on the screens.

Michele poked her head into the room and eyed the screens. One showed Morpheus and a number of experimentalists rushing down the East hall towards the main control center and the other, well, that one was a little… strange. A dozen or so people were running from door to door and releasing the Institutes various experiments. Suddenly three of them separated from the main body and ran down an adjacent hall.

Michele turned on the sound for that particular camera and followed the group until they came to a stop for the third time outside of the break room’s door. They were shouting at each other about Morpheus. Apparently one of the two girls was supposed to know where he was.

Maybe, thought Michele, I should give them a hand. She smiled and went to find them.

As she approached from behind the blonde girl stopped the other two. “Don’t you think it’s a little strange that there’s no one here? It’s the middle of the day.”

“Not really, this place is huge. They’re probably just all on the other side of the building.”

Bracing herself Michele interceded. “No. There’s nobody here.”

They turned in sync to face her. There was one boy, he had jet black hair and very pale skin underneath a fake tan. The girls looked like California models with their not-found-in-nature tans and perfect blonde and brown hair. All in all the three looked like up and coming experimentalists, except for the fact that they were not human.

The boy and the brown haired girl looked ready to pounce on Michele, but the blonde one stopped them and squinted at her. Michele squinted right back- the girls looked familiar.

The girl spoke with her hand raised, “Do I know you?”

“Probably I worked here you know.”

“What do you mean worked?”

Michele chuckled slightly. “Caught that did you.” The girl looked at her coldly and Michele decided to continue. “I just quite actually, well, Morpheus doesn’t know that quite yet. But he will. I’ve decided to help you.”

“Why should we trust you.” the brown haired girl sneered.

Michele rolled her eyes internally and thought Hm, cos I haven’t killed you yet? Maybe- no it can’t be that. Out loud she said, “Cos I’m going to show you where Morpheus is and help you get your friends out. Morpheus was expecting this to happen- he plans to ambush your friends as they leave. I’ve already started helping you by opening the doors in the North and East wings.”

The boy and the brown haired girl visibly shuddered. “There were more cells than back there?”

“Yes your blueprints were a little…edited.” She looked down at her watch and swore internally, Morpheus was going to set the Robotics in approximately four minutes. Michele didn’t want them to have to see the Robotics- they would be programed to rip these guys to shreds. Michele shuddered; she didn’t want to meet them either. “We have to go before Morpheus orders his…people to attack your people.”

She grabbed the blonde girls hand and began running down the hall towards the center of the building. “Wait!” shouted the girl whose wrist Michele was grasping. “What’s your name?”

“Michele and I believe that you are Lovely.” Michele smirked at Lovely’s reaction to her knowledge- she had always been good with faces. That other girl, for instance, she also looked familiar.

“Yes and they’re Raven and Rose.” said Lovely, pointing to each as she said their names.

Rose’s name suddenly clicked in her mind. “I remember you,” said Michele pointing at Rose, “I had just started working here when you came in.”

I remember that day: it was my second week here and I still believed in the mission of the Institute. I can’t believe that that was fifteen years ago and I can’t believe that I was still only sixteen.

“I don’t remember you.” said Rose. Her statement snapped Michele out of her reveries.

“You wouldn’t. You were only three.”

“Hate to stop the reunion, but can we go no?” said the boy, Raven.

“C’mon!” shouted Michele.

Michele led them through the maze like halls of the Institute and she was almost sure that the three behind her were totally and completely lost. Finally they arrived outside of the Institute’s control room. She smoothed the front of her leather jacket; she always wore it under her lab coat.

She opened the door and was met with the sight of three-dozen experimentalists armed with guns sitting around Morpheus. The man himself was sitting with his legs up on the desk, he brought them down when the door opened and was now eyeing Michele with pity.

“Ah, Michele. I was expecting this, but may I say that your treachery hurts me deeply. No matter,” he said. He motioned for an experimentalist with dirty blonde hair; the man’s eyes were concealed behind dark sunglasses. “Kyle, be a dear and shoot Michele for me.”

Shit! Kyle- not good, not good! Thought Michele. 


The picture on the side is of a Robotic that had some editing done to make it look human. Thaks for reading!

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