Chapter Twenty Six

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"Domi, I really don't care why your cousin is up to, why don't you enjoy your time with me?" Benjie asked, and Dominique realised he looked hurt.

"I do enjoy my time with you, Benjie, you know I do. Benjie I love you but she just makes me curious" Dominique explained.

"So that's why you get so uptight every other day, you don't relax so much, because you are looking out for your cousin" Benjie sighed "Domi, she's thirteen, she's experimenting with her life, leave her. I have no doubt you did that sort of thing at that age"

"Of course I did, but not every other night!" Dominique explained, she shrugged, trying to get shake her curiosity away. "I'm sorry I brought it up, Benjie" she sighed "I'll forget about it"

But she couldn't. Every other day she looked out for Rose leaving, which she did. Every night, Dominique would see the same curl of red hair as it fell under the cloak. It happened at the exact same time every time she went, and nothing could stop Dominique from getting more and more curious.

"There's no use trying to hide it, Domi" Benjie sighed, one night that Dominique had spent waiting for and watching Rose, "I know you haven't forgotten about it, and it's painfully obvious that you watch her every other night"

"I'm... I'm sorry Benjie, I just don't understand" Dominique explained, or failed to.

"I just don't understand why you care" Benjie shook his head "you have never been like that for any of your other cousins- and don't lie I know you've seen them leave with that damned cloak too- or even your siblings"

"I don't really know, either" Dominique shrugged, a confused look resting on her face, "I guess it's just because Rose is such a goody, I never would have thought she would go out every other evening, spend so much time out of her evenings to go somewhere... I just didn't think Rose was like that"

"Well, now you know that she is like that, can you stop spending all our time together waiting for her and watching her leave? It's not like you do anything about it" Benjie groaned.

"I'm sorry, Benjie... you're right, it's useless" Dominique agreed, but that didn't stop her caring about what her little cousin did.

Another month went by, and despite everything Benjie told her, Dominique could not stop herself watching Rose leave. Her mind was consumed by theories as to where she went, what she did. She was pretty much obsessed with her cousin's secret life. And it didn't help hers. Benjie noticed, and he had begun to tell her to stop it every night that she did it, which was every night that Rose left. And one night, Benjie gave up. After the faint thump of the portrait door closing, he stood up, and faced Dominique.

"You know what, Domi" Benjie huffed, "I've had enough of this, I've told you to stop, I've told you why you should stop, I've helped you stop, why won't you stop?"

"What?" Dominique asked, standing up, confused, "I've told you I don't know why I can't stop, she just confuses me! Why do you care so much?"

"Because you're not spending as much time with me anymore!" Benjie went on, "you might physically be with me, but not mentally. No. I can tell, you are always thinking, wondering, why can't you stop wondering about her?"

"I don't know!" she replied, knowing instantly where this was heading.

"Well, I've had enough! She might be your cousin but that doesn't mean you control her, she can do what she wants. She seems happy, doing what she does, so leave her alone!"

"Why are you so angry about this, Benjie?" Dominique whimpered.

"Because you need to stop, Nique"

"Nique?" Dominique gasped, "you never call me Nique... what?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore, I want to spend time with you, but you're not you anymore" Benjie shook his head, and walked up to the boys' dorms. Dominique slumped on the sofa, the seat still warm where Benjie sat. She cried, does this mean that... they're over? She sat there crying, for the rest of the evening. She even heard Rose come in- something she was usually asleep for. Not that she cared, not anymore.

The next day, she wasn't upset. Well, she was, but she was more angry than anything. Angry at Benjie, why would he break up with her over that? Angry at herself, why would she let herself get like that just over her cousin? But mostly, angry at Rose, why did she make Dominique so curious? She needed someone to blame. She couldn't blame herself, it wasn't really her fault, she couldn't blame Benjie, she still loved him. So she blamed Rose. It was all Rose's fault.

The day after, she sat on the sofa. Their sofa. She waited for the hustle of the common room to leave. She waited for it to get dark. And she waited for Rose to get the cloak. As Rose left, she followed her. It was hard, but she could see the dust that had settled on the ground move ever so slightly. Rose turned a corner, and Dominique knew where she was going. The room of requirement, of course. Silently, she cast an invisibility charm over herself, and followed Rose into the cosy room.

She looked around. It looked lovely. Nice and cosy, just how Rose liked it, obviously. As she scanned the room, she spotted a mop of blonde hair, sitting on one of the two sofas in the middle of the room. So it was a boy Rose was meeting, huh. She walked closer.

MALFOY? Rose was meeting the Malfoy boy? Dominique knew she had a reason to be curious. MALFOY? Really Rose? But Dominique didn't do a thing. No, she stood there, at the side of the room, watching.

Rose sat scarily close to the Malfoy boy. What on earth was going on? He put the book on his lap down on the table.

"Is it good?" Rose asked. Book club? The Malfoy boy nodded, and put his arm around her. She rested her head on his shoulder. Not book club then. Dominique just grew angrier and angrier. How could Rose break up her relationship just so she could go out to meet a boy? And the Malfoy boy at that! Dominique scrunched her hands into fists. Don't freak out, she thought to herself not here. No, you need to plan. Plan something. Do it on Friday.

And that she did. On Friday, she ran to the room of requirement before anybody could get there. She hid herself, with the invisibility charm, and sat next to where the Malfoy boy would sit. She waited. And waited and waited and waited. But soon, he came. When he was comfortable, she took off the charm.

"What the?" he asked, so startled that he dropped his book. Dominique grinned.

"Hey there" she said, her voice husky and flirty- this is wrong she told herself, he's only thirteen! She internally shook her head no, she deserves it! She flicked her hair over her shoulder, "how are you, Scorpius?" she asked, moving closer to him.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice full of nerves "what are you doing in here? How did you know I would be here? What are you doing?"

"Shh" she said, raising a finger to her lips, "you'll see". She moved closer, as close as she could get. And just at the right time, she kissed him. As much power as she could muster, you're kissing Ben, you're kissing Ben, you're kissing Ben, she thought. She heard the gasp. It was very audible. Scorpius pushed her away. "Hey Rosie" she teased as the girl ran out of the room. She looked back at the boy, pure horror rested on his face, she winked at him "see you around, Malfoy" before casting the charm on herself and walking back to the dormitory.

So, I think a few questions will be answered in this chapter? Maybe? Okay, you probably don't have any questions, I doubt you are into reading this story as much as I am infested in writing it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment- comment your reaction to this backstory! See ya!

-Elise x

What's In A Name? {Harry Potter, Next Gen, Scorose Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat