v2.0 Part 1 Meeting

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The patter of the rain obscured the streets from view, creating a dull haze that away at the scenery. Her footsteps couldn’t be heard over the sound of water, and neither could her tears be seen.  It was a foolish to run away, but as a kid she had no other ideas.

Ayla Meyer wanted to forget, and for that she always relied upon being alone. In the park there was a hidden place that only she knew about. To get to it you needed to crawl past bushes and slide through the dirt. Yet once you found it your breath would have been stolen away.

It gave off the feeling of a sanctuary. It was a home for those that seek it and a comfort for those that need it. Past all the bushes and hidden away was a lone willow overlooking a small pond. The pond was always as clear as glass, and the willow seemed ancient and wise.

Ayla had never told anyone where this spot was, nor did she plan to. It was something she kept close to her heart, a secret that only she knew, a sanctuary belonging only to her.

Making her way past the large slope that leads to the park, she ducked down beneath the bushes. A path had long since been carved from her repeated travels, creating a tunnel that lead to her sanctuary. Ye old willow that was always nearby, always able to provide her comfort.

And the first thing she noticed when she entered the small clearing, was not the tree, nor was it the pond, it was the small boy appearing barely her age who slept soundly at the base of the willow. His rain soaked hair was the same color as the bark of the old tree. He was using an old coat as a blanket, and even with the downpour of rain he did not appear at all inconvenienced, sleeping soundly.

Yet for some reason he did not break the illusion of sanctuary. He had naturally slipped into the painting that was of the clearing and found himself at home. She had expected herself to be annoyed at the intruder. However maybe because she sought to distract herself of her own troubles, she only remained curious.

Ayla wondered who the boy was; the only person besides herself that she knew had seen this willow tree.

She took a step towards him. Only a single step, yet that was enough for him to dart awake. His jacket slipped off his shoulders, his back finding itself against the tree. His gaze flickered back and worth, wary and frantic.

His clothes were torn and muddy. Only a few spots on his jeans were not torn from use. His clothes looked like they had faced the full force of nature and lived to tell the tale. His panicked gaze met hers and for the first time his expression softened. He smiled and nodded acknowledgment to her, before sitting back down and looking off to the side as if to ignore his past actions.

Ayla started to speak, but the boy shook his head before she could. Instead of speaking he pointed to the setting sun that had started to break through the clouds. It reflected in the crystalline pond turning the water a rose red.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” He said.

She stared at the sight, the image burning itself into her. She could only manage a short reply, “Yeah.”

He lightly smiled, “You know I’ve wandered into a lot of places, but this place is by far my favorite. It’s the only place I found that remains pure as time continues on, almost as if it’s trying to remain ignorant to the rest if the world.

Ayla said quietly, almost to herself, “To think I thought this place was my own little secret… a place only I knew of.”

“For all I know it still is.” The boy stood up, shaking out his coat, “It may not be only known to you, but where this is; only you know.”

She crinkled her brow, “What do you mean?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I do not know where this is, nor do I have a wish to know. To me in remains unmarked on the map that is life. An experience I once had and nothing more. After all if I can’t find my way back, how can I find where I am?”

Ye old WillowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora