I Will Not Cry

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Chapter  T W O  -  I Will Not Cry


When I woke up the next morning, I was all alone in the bedroom. I craned my head to the side. The only evidence that Draco had slept beside me was a small dent on the mattress and the messy covers.

Yes, you guessed right. We were forced to sleep together in the same room, on the same bed, breathing the same effin' air. It did not help at all that Lucius had charmed the doors and windows shut, cursed all the furniture and 'icified' the floor (how the hell did he know that I was thinking of sleeping on the ground?!).

A disagreeable pout appeared slowly on my lips. I didn’t want to sleep anymore. Sitting up, I quickly slipped on another summer dress (I adored dresses) and went into the bathroom to complete my morning ritual. After that, I glanced at myself properly in the mirror. My hair was an absolute bird’s nest.

“Mmmph,” I grumbled, tugging at a lock. I contemplated trying an untangling charm, but the last time I did try it, my hair ended up looking like seaweed defying gravity.

I exited the bathroom in a considerably more cheerful mood. I slipped on a pair of flats and roamed outside. The hallways of Malfoy Manor were silent and forbidding as usual, just like the first time I’d been there. I decided to follow my instinct and travelled down the left. Old pedos in the paintings kept giving me the creepy eye.

“Stop looking at me,” I whispered loudly to a particular one that had followed me through several frames.

His response was to sneer challengingly.

I glowered at the old douche, narrowly avoiding death as I nearly walked into a spiked artefact.

“You asked for it,” I declared. I lifted my wand and poised it at him. “Immobulus!”

 He froze. His eyes were giving me the look of death.

I grinned and continued on my merry way. At the end of the corridor, I recognized the stairs that I had ascended to get to our room yesterday. I carefully walked down them and peered around. Narcissa was lounging comfortably on a dark couch in the living area. She saw me and smiled daintily, motioning me to come forward with her index finger.

“Good morning, Narcissa,” I greeted, suddenly shy. Draco’s parents had insisted I call them by their first names.

“Good morning,” She acknowledged. She crossed her long legs and beamed.

“How was your morning? Did you sleep well?”

“Yes I did, thank you,” I hesitated, glancing around with my soft blue eyes. I really wanted to ask it. “Where’s Draco?”

Narcissa sighed and ran a hand through her hair, “He woke up early this morning to go to Diagon Alley. Apparently he was meeting some friends there.”

She rested her eyes on me thoughtfully until I felt awkward.

“Audree dear, why don’t you go as well? It’d be a nice chance to meet Draco’s friends and to create a few friendships before you two leave for Hogwarts tomorrow,” She said. By ‘friendships’, I guessed she meant connections that would help me later on. “What do you say? There isn’t much to do here anyway.”

I bit my lip. I was sure Draco wouldn’t be pleased to see me. None of his friends knew we were married either, so it would be a bit awkward. Nevertheless, I nodded and put on a brave smile, “Sure.”

Narcissa stood up and lead me to the fireplace, “Well I’ll see you off then, dear. Tell Draco to be home before five, will you?”

I nodded, surprised by her eagerness, “Of course.”

Out of nowhere it seemed, she handed me a bag heavy with gold galleons. I was a bit shocked she would give me so much money and resisted, but she forced it upon me with careless indifference. Meekly, I accepted the bag and stepped into the fireplace, coughing a little as tiny particles of soot and who knows what shot up my nose. I watched in slight dismay as my lovely daffodil yellow dress got blackened around the edges. Narcissa offered me a bag which I knew contained floo powder.

I grabbed a handful of the soft substance, enjoying the liquid sand feel and said clearly, “Diagon Alley.”

The flames consumed me in a bright green flash and a moment later, I opened my eyes. I was standing in the middle of the famed, crowded street, with people giving me funny looks.

All around me were the most interesting, bizarre shops I had ever seen. The shops in France also had strange factors, but they were more refined and…elegant there. I saw my reflection on a shop mirror and decided to clear up a little. My long honey locks were tinged with black, as was my dress. My hair was still shiny though, glowing ever so slightly. Being a quarter Veela sure did have its benefits.

I slipped my bag of galleons into my dress pocket and started wandering around. Walking into Eeylops Owl Emporium, I grew fascinated with all the breeds of cats and owls. If only France had this many. I giggled as I petted a sleek black cat through its cage. I waved goodbye at the animals and exited.

I wandered down the alley, grinning at all the different things on display.

“Wow,” I whispered to myself, admiring the newest model of a broomstick on sale.

“Firebolt,” I read out loud.

I turned and that’s when I saw them. Well, more specifically, Draco and his friends. I lowered my head automatically, desperate for him not to see me. His body language had told me yesterday that he didn’t want me near him.

I ducked around a few gossiping old witches and tried to corner myself against the shop window. The window’s reflection showed them advancing towards me.

Dear god, I thought to myself hurriedly, don’t let them see me

I glanced around quickly and in that brief second, Draco’s eyes locked with mine. He had an arm swung casually around a lovely brunette that I could only guess was his girlfriend. The one he really loved.

From the shocked, angry expression on his face, I guessed I was in for it bad. The crowd in front of me shifted and I took that chance to secretively sneak around the shop and walk quickly away from him. A few seconds later, I breathed out in relief, thinking I’d lost them.

Someone’s hand grabbed my wrist and swung me around.


Draco glared down at me, his white blond hair bright in the sun. I was a bit frightened, his grip was vice like and it hurt.

“What are you doing here?” He snapped. His cold eyes radiated hate.

“I-I,” I stumbled over my words. “I just came here to explore. C-can you please let go? I-it hurts.”

He increased his force.

“Don’t ever show your face in front of my friends. If I see you hanging near Astoria and I again, I’ll guarantee I’ll make your life hell,” He warned in a soft, deadly voice. “Understood?”

I bit my lip and tried to breathe calmly. I wasn’t an easy cryer, but the way he said things made me want to bawl my eyes out. It hurt.

“I understand.” I said in a small voice.

He let go of my wrist harshly and turned on his heel. I gazed after his retreating back and let out the shaky breath I’d been holding.

I will not cry, I told myself solemnly, I will not cry.


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