"Never go back to Troy. Promise me that Diana." I tell her as I press my forehead against hers.

"I promise." she tells me as I can feel her eyes upon me.

Holding her close to my body I realized how protective I was to Diana and I had a feeling it was only going to grow stronger and for once I did not mind. I wanted Diana to be with me and just the thought of her with another man made me want to go mad.

"Hate to break up the little reunion but orders from the King." a man says walking up to me and handing me a scroll then leaving.

I unroll the scroll and read the orders. That idiot of a King wants to attack. He had already sent a declaration to Troy. There was no way I would fight for him though. After all that has happened even after the precious Helen was returned he was still out for blood. I tore the scroll up as Diana looked at me confused.

"What does he plan on doing now?" Diana asks me.

"He want's to attack Troy, he has already sent a declaration to Troy but my men will not fight for him. We only agreed to get Helen back and that is what has happened, thanks to you." I tell her with a smile as I look at her.

"I was just doing what I thought was right, I should not have done what I did." she tells me as she looks away from me.

"You showed more bravery than any woman I have ever met. Be proud of that." I tell her as I take her chin in my fingers and have her look at me.

Diana looks up at me and I swear her eyes sparkle at me. Just one smile and I know that I would do anything in the world for this woman. I have never felt this before and something told me if I let her go I would never feel it again.

"We shall stay here, none of my men shall fight on this day." I tell her as Patroclus comes in hearing what I just said and he looks angry.

"None of us shall fight? What of our pledge?" Patroclus asks me with anger in his voice.

"I am the leader and I will say who we and who we will not fight cousin. You still have many years and battle left in you. This is not our fight." I tell him as I try to calm him putting my hand on his shoulder but he pushes my hand away.

"No, so now that Diana has returned you will not fight?! I do not understand!" Patroclus yells as he storms out of the tent.

"He is young and has so much to learn." I say as Diana walks up to me and takes my hand.

"Learning can be hard for those who think they know everything. Don't you remember being his age?" she questions and I barely laugh as I do remember how young and restless I was. Just like Patroclus.

"My decision is final. We will not fight tomorrow." I say as I lead her out of the tent.

The day went by faster than normal as Diana returned to help Meg with whatever she could and I continue to train the men. Though we were not fighting that was no excuse not to keep training. My men were loyal and brave and I was proud of each and everyone of them, even Patroclus who I knew hated me even though I hoped it wouldn't last for long.

Diana's POV

After a long day helping Meg with anything and everything I walk back to Achilles tent. Walking inside brings back old yet familiar memories. Most of them were good memories to be honest. The sun was just starting to set as Achilles walked inside covered in sweat. A part of me could barely keep my mouth from dropping to the ground.

"Diana are you well? You look a little red." Achilles tells me as he walks up to me.

I grab onto him and kiss him. Not caring that he was sweaty or probably going to make me smell as well all I wanted was to be in his arms. He held onto me tight and kissed me back. Falling into bed was something my mind and body remembered.

Afterwards as I lay on his chest as he slept. Part of me could not believe I was here again yet I felt content. I smiled as my eyes started to close only to hear men outside of my side of the tent. I could easily tell who one voice belonged to and it scared me to death.

"We will go into battle tomorrow, I will not allow my cousins name to be dishonored." Patroclus told someone.

Just then the tent flap opened and I closed my eyes to act like I was asleep. Patroclus came into the tent and took something. I knew what it was, Achilles armor.  Oh dear I still wasn't able to stop this either. I could hear him leaving as I sat up slowly careful not to wake Achilles this would only cause more problems for him. I grabbed my dress and put it on but used a dagger to cut of the length of the skirt and made the top smaller so I could move easier. I had to stop Patroclus from his own death. Even if it meant my own.

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