Chapter 2: Feast of the Two Heirs

Start from the beginning

"Just beware, son. She is not done with you. Though she is likely done with your mother."

"Lucky her."

"And the demon?" said Damyx.

Emick shrugged. "I saw him up in Minara's tower, so she must have been successful in removing him from the Void, but he was merely ethereal. Couldn't even pick up a piece of paper."

"But I'd bet he had a hold on your emotions, which gives him frightening power. Difficult times are ahead." And Emick realized, Damyx must know infinitely more. Emick hardly knew the man who could not raise him, because Damyx had refused to marry Mother. Something for which Emick could not blame him. They shared many good months together when Emick had gone to the Moore's Head University. Months until Minara took hold of him.

As guests entered the Hall, Emick tried to smile at members of Tutang's former council. Some glared at Emick and muttered usurper.

"Father," whispered Emick. "Would you be on my council?"

"I'd be honored, son, though I wouldn't do it for anyone else. Another Turbian for your Galians to hate."

"I want them to love us. I believe I am meant to be here, like I have a purpose in Gallel. Important things are coming, Father, and we will be part of them."

"So her beloved Tavaris is no longer in the Void?" Damyx sat back with his palm on his forehead.

"No. That's important, I take it?"

Damyx laughed. "She didn't tell you about him, then?"

Emick's face heated. "We usually just talked about me. If we talked at all."

"I'm surprised she never mentioned him to you. Her Tavaris, the savior of human thought. Their goal is perfect peace..."

"Wait, what?" said Emick. "If she wants peace, why start wars?"

"According to her," Damyx rubbed his forhead, "humans are too stupid to realize the value of submission to Tavaris and so must be forced into compliance for the benefit of all. Besides, anyone foolish enough to not worship Tavaris deserves pain and hardship. We choose opposition in all things, we choose war. According to her."

"And she expects people will just be peaceful?"

"She is a compelling evangelist." Damyx folded his arms. "Tavaris has ten sanctuaries in Moore's Head alone."

"Really? What are the disciples like?"

"Ordinary people. They must not know they worship a demon. Many lost much in the war. You have never been to battle, son. It is ugly. After war, peace at any price sounds splendid."

"And how does she hope to enforce this peace?"

"That is the trick," said Damyx. "Most people try to get along most of the time. But you get many people together closely, as in a city, and then give them some kind of shortage, perfect peace is all but impossible. Unless you take away the ability to think and react. I've seen plenty of students on joyweed. They never fight..."

"Or do anything else, either," said Emick. "Other than painting or playing songs on their vice guitars. Is she going to get everyone high?"

"I don't think that's her mechanism," said Damyx. "But as a mind mage, it would be almost nothing to control minds. Not sure how she plans to pull everyone's wari."

The women and Canúden arrived with the babies, Nathan shrinking behind, eyeing Lianna. Murmurs arose all around, gasps, ahhs, and comments.

"Despicable, having a Turbian in the robes."

"And look at that ugly baby. Who ever heard of a blue Turbian?"

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